The handwriting is beautiful, actually. I wouldn't pin this on a man, but I know the figure I saw last night was masculine. I rip the note off and finally examine the ring. 

It's band is silver with some type of letters carved on it, but it's not English. In the middle of the band, a keyhole is cut out of the silver. I've never seen this ring before. If this was a stalker, wouldn't he mail me something of my own?

I slide it on my middle finger then grab my purse. There's no way in hell I want to stay in this house. I try not to make it obvious how quickly I want in my car, in case the man is watching me.

I swiftly jab the key in the ignition and pull out of the driveway.  Where am I going to go? I should find Hailee. I pull up to the house that the party was hosted at and park along the curb. This place got trashed.

I avoid the ridiculous amount of plastic red cups as I approach the front door, which is wide open. How smart. I walk through the kitchen and living room, but Hailee isn't in either room. As I make my way towards the stairs, I spot someone who's actually awake. 

"Hey!" I call out, approaching him. He's taller than me, and when he turns around, I see his beautiful green eyes. 

"Oh, hey." He mutters, running his hand through his brown waves, and I can't help but pick up on his British accent.

"Have you seen a girl who's about my height, has blonde hair, really beautiful? Her name is Hailee." I look around the room hoping Hailee will miraculously show up.

"Oh, I saw her last night. She was with my friend Duke. They slept upstairs, I think." He smiles with a small shrug.

"Wait, you're the friend? I think we were supposed to be set up last night." I awkwardly laugh. Oh, dear God. Why am I saying this?

"You're the one who rejected me?" He softly chuckles, easing my sudden nerves. 

"I didn't reject you! I just wanted to go home." I explain with a stupidly huge smile on my face.

"Yeah, that's what Hailee said, but when I went over there, you didn't answer. That's when I felt rejected." He says, and my heart stops beating. Was he the man in my doorway? 

"Oh, well, I'm just, uh, going to find Hailee now." I stutter, terribly failing at trying to hide my fear. My body slowly reacts to my thoughts, my feet moving massively slow.

"I can help you find her. I think I know the room they're in," He offers from behind me, but I just shake my head, unable to speak with the lump growing in my throat.

Suddenly, my brain gets through to my body, and my feet quickly carry me up the stairs. My now sweaty palms open every door in sight until I spot Hailee in one of the rooms. She's sleeping alone, thank God.

"Hailee. Come on. We're leaving." I vigorously shake her, turning around every few seconds in fear that the boy followed me.

"What?" Hailee groans, rubbing her eyes, the make-up coming off even more.

"Get up! We're leaving, now." I demand. My heart threatens to break my chest it's pounding so hard.

"Fine." Hailee spits, finally standing up. I hastily grab her hand and pull her down the stairs with me.

"You're already leaving?" I hear the boy call when I open the front door. I don't bother answering him, slamming the door behind us.

"What is wrong with you?" Hailee shouts when we get in my car. I ignore her for the moment, slamming my foot on the gas.

When we're out of the neighborhood, I finally answer her, "That guy came to my house last night! Like he came inside! He broke into my house!" 

"No, he didn't. You're paranoid." She rests her head against the window.

"I saw someone in my room last night, and he just told me he came by my house last night." I explain, stopping at a red light.

"You were probably having a dream, and it seemed real, then you woke up in the middle of it, so you actually thought it was real. That's happened to you before." She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.

"You're right. That's probably it." I slowly mutter. That has happened to me before. Hailee has even been with me when it's happened. 

"Can you take me to your house, so I can get my car?" She whines, and I nod, making a sharp left.

The rest of the short car ride is silent. I'm too lost in my thoughts, and Hailee is practically still asleep. I gently shake her when I pull into the driveway.

"That was not long enough!" She jokes, rubbing her eyes. 

"Your keys are inside. Do you want to come in?" I offer, getting out of the car.

"Sure, but I really need to go. I have to pick up my brother's dog from the groomer." 

We step inside, and I surprisingly don't feel uncomfortable. I thought I'd be scared coming back, but nothing feels wrong. I guess it really was just a dream. But you saw the figure even before the party, a voice in my head mocks.

I quickly ignore it and hand Hailee the keys. We say our goodbyes before each of us gets in our cars. I have ten minutes before class starts, giving me just enough time to make it there on time.

By the time I get home, it's nearly seven. After two classes, I went to the library and studied, but now I can finally relax. I twist the mysterious ring around my finger as my dinner cooks in the microwave. I wish I knew where this was from. 

Once my dinner is ready, I practically devour it. I flip through the channels on the television, trying to find something worth watching. Silent House appears on the guide, and I excitedly turn to it. 

For a moment, I think I see the figure behind me on the reflection of the television, but I force myself not to turn around. I will not feed my fearful imagination. Focusing on the movie, I ignore the fast thumps of my heart as the figure moves. It's not much, but now it's clearly looking at me.

No. I'm putting this to a stop. I close my eyes, taking a slow breath, then open them again. Just like last night, the figure is gone. See? Just my imagination.

After the movie, I sleepily change into my pajamas. Before I can crawl into my bed, though, someone knocks on my door. I let out a loud cathartic sigh then lay in bed. People should realize it's rude to visit a home so late.

Silence surrounds me, making me uneasy, so I grab my phone and play classical music. That's better. The soft piano calms me, sending my body into a trance.

"I thought I told you to open the door when someone knocks." A familiar voice angrily whispers in my ear, and my eyes shoot open. I fight the feeling of paralysis and turn my head.

In the doorway, the figure stands. Only this time, when I close my eyes and open them, he's still there. My heart furiously beats against my chest, making me feel sick. It's a dream, it's a dream. 

"This isn't a dream," He mutters, chuckling to himself, "And your fear is only feeding me."


Okay, so a lot of people wanted me to update, so I am doing that now, even though I'll usually update in the middle of the day and not evening, like this. WHO IS IN HER DOORWAY TALKING TO HER? IS IT A DREAM? Hehehe 

Oh, also, a couple people said that like they want descriptions of the main girl Tabitha, but those are going to come in each chapter. Like this chapter we got her name. So, like every chapter we learn something about her.

Okaaaay! Vote and comment pleease! :) 

dEVIL {h.s. au}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora