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This is it... The end. Wow. I can't believe it. It's actually kind of hard to end this because I had so much fun writing this...

I guess all good things come to an end... Thank you all for reading, voting, commenting, etc, you all are amazing. ❤❤

Mitch's pov

The past many years of my life have been great. I got married, I had a family, and I had an amazing career with Pentatonix.

When David was about 2 years old we tried for a baby. We found out two weeks later that I was pregnant. That pregnancy was rough. Constantly sick, different from David's. We wanted to wait until birth to find out what the gender was.

Scott wanted a girl, I didn't care. The baby was born the day before it was due.

After several hours of hard labor and pain I pushed out a 6 and a half lb baby girl. We named her Ashton Marie.

David was thrilled to have a sister. Though he got quite upset when he realized she couldn't do much.

Kirstie ended up having twins with Jeremy. Two little girls. They named them Taylor and Kayla. The girls all get along really well.

Watching them grow up wasn't easy. From the first step into kindergarten up until the last day of high school, I wanted them to stop growing up.

David ended up looking alot like Scott, besides the brown hair. Ash had blond hair and looked like the perfect mix of the two of us. Sharp jawline and my nose and my eyes and Scott's lips.

David met his girlfriend when they were both 19. They got married a couple years later. Ash came out as bi when she was 17, thanks to her also bi best friend, Kayla. She met a girl when she was 15 and dated her for a bit before they ended things and she met her now fiance, Katlyn.

My babies aren't babies anymore. David is 24 with a baby boy on the way and Ash is 22 and almost married.

After 10 years of touring with Pentatonix, we decided to retire. Kirstie and jeremy settled down and are now happily retired. (They stopped ptx when David was 6-7) Avi got married to a girl he had been dating for a few years and now have three kids and one on the way.

Kevin has a girlfriend but they're both busy with their solo work so they haven't talked about marriage yet.

Scott and I are doing solo work too, but as a duet. We've made ten albums since the ending of ptx and people love it.

I can't wait to watch as my family grows and grows.

Huge time skip, like 35 years, so Scott and Mitch are like 78ish isk

I made a promise to Scott that I'd be with him until.his last breath. And I kept that promise.

It's hard to say goodbye to someone you love and have known for pretty much your entire life.

Scott got diagnosed with kidney and liver failure, and colon cancer, last year and they gave him a year to live.

I got a call a couple hours ago from the hospital near our house saying Scott was dying. I called Kirstie and told her to meet me at the hospital. Thankfully ptx didn't move to far away so we were all able to meet up.

My baby looked horrible when I got there. Tubes running through his arms and chest.

"Hi baby" he said looking up at me weakly.

"Hi" I stuttered, trying not to cry.

"Oh hun don't cry. I lived a long life. Now it's my time to go. Just remember I love you. Don't lock yourself out. You have our kids and our grandchildren to look out for. It's just my time to go. I'm letting go and so do you" he said running the tears from my eyes.

"I know. I love you too. Everyone's here. We came to say goodbye" I said pointing towards the others.

We talked for a bit saying our goodbyes and laughing at the memories. As the minutes went by Scott got more tired and weak. He was struggling to stay awake.

"Scotty. You can let go now. We'll be ok" Kirstie says.

I sit by him and rub his hand. Scott pulls up and arm and pulls me down and he kisses me, hard. I don't let go until I feel Scott's body limping.

"I.... Love...you" he stays before gasping out his last breath and his heart monitor letting out one last beep.

I don't break down. But we all let out silent tears. My precious is gone.

One last question-

Favorite chapter in this book? And why?

It's almost the end of the school year so we are doing finals and I'm stressed about that and then getting everything payed off that I need to. This is fun.

Again, thank you all sooo much for everything! Love you all❤❤


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