Thoughts With Waddles

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WARNING: Swearing and a bit of depression in this chapter (Wont happen often just need to swear to get out part of my anger)

So... Im home right now, and my brother made me feel like absolute shit.  I'm actually hiding from him in my laundry room since he ran after me.... He has issues so if i complained my mom would just blame his issues..... Anyways, i came home and i guess he decided to be mad so when i got home he already starting to yell at me. I went to the kitchen with my laptop and played the hamilton soundtrack. He asked if i could turn it down, so i turned it down and he talked to his friend. I turned up my volume a bit so i could hear my music. He yelled at me for playing it so I paused it. After he started talking again and i played my music and he ran to my laptop and turned it off. I signed in again and i played it. He called my mom to complain and I complained too. My mom basically (as normal) ignored my side of the story and told me to tell him to stop yelling since he was yelling at his friend through the phone. I told him to stop yelling,  telling him my mom told him to stop and he attacked ME! THE FRICKEN MESSENGER!!!! He stormed off, i got pissed and i stood up for my self and told him that he has been a bitch all week and he said that the he was just standing up for himself. He had nothing to even stand up for, he was just pissed at me!!! Anyways he started to run after me and i hid in the laundry room and I am still hidning in there crying and writing this while questioning if i should be alive and why did i deserve this crappy life...... Why do deserve to be treated like shit every fricken day of my life and I now just want my mom to be home or my dad to come or even to go to school where i have amazing friends who do anything for me and even if im annoying as hell.... they care about me unlike my brother who only cares about himself and his way.... He does't care who he hurts or how they feel and he doesn't care about me and how i wanted to kill myself before i knew that stranger behind computers or phones or what ever you all use to be here or on skype, before i knew you all care about this bitch writing this crap i felt like i had no one.. so thank you all for caring about this crappy penguin... People say the internet is a bad place, they're wrong. I have met he most amazing people online, so thank you. So remember if you ever feel depressed than remember, I will be here for you all, no matter what. Remember Someone online cares about you even if irl it seems like you have no one. Love you all, be happy, please. Bye my waddlers! <3 <3

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