Heartbroken one shot part 1137382827282

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This is for AKAMagicKitty sense the mean Aarmau fans were bulling her I made this to make her happy!! Here we go!!

~Laurence POV~

What Conner?

Have you herd!!

Herd what?

Gene is coming back!!


HA!! The look in your face!!! OH!! IRENE HELP IM DIEING!!

Ha ha very funny...

Awe what wrong? Can you feel all the bones poking your brain or something??

WHAT?? NO!! It's just I'm worried about Aphmau.. I mean, the whole thing with Phenix Drop, then lord Even tried to take her powers away, and being called a monster!! That has to be terrible to go through!!


I want to protect her!! She's the love of my life!! I want her to be safe!! Not having people call her names just because she is being herself!! It's not fair!! UGH I WISH THEY KNEW WHAT SHE Is GOING THROUGH!! THIS JUST ADDS STRESS AND-

Laurence? Are you okay?? You Became a shadow knight with out me??

CONNER- ugh I need to calm down...

I know!! Fall down a hole!! That may help you!! Your really good at it too!!

Conner!!! Ugh...

Oh come on!! This is suppose to cheer aka up not being out your rage!! Go fall down a hole!!

Or just waddle around!!

Emily!! Your back!!

Yup!! But no Cooper!! He wants to take a break!!


Wait did we just break the 4th wall??

I didn't think this ship had any walls!!

Heh good one!!


Yup!! Well I guess we should make some more jokes, or else aka may still be sad...

Did someone say jokes??

Who are you??

Oh hey there!! I'm sans!! Sans the skeleton.

When did you-


Well I'm kinda bone tired so it may be bad, but if I put a little back bone into it it may be good!

Oh no....

Hm tough crowd, I guess I'll leave and be forever abone to tell these punny puns!!

Emily can you end it here before they get even cringier??

Ugh fine.......
*whispers to you the reader* Laurence is such a party pooper!!
*back to normal!* anyways hope you enjoyed and aka hope this made you laugh... Idk what this even was... Well bye my Waddlers!! Love ya all!! ❤️❤️🐧

Who is she talking too?

We don't know, just go with it

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