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|| Neena Rose Visser ||

I Woke up and smirked when i saw his face.

"Goodmorning princess" he said in his sexy ass raspy morning voice and pecking me on the lips

"Morning" i said smiling before getting up

"Where are you going" he whined pouting

"To make breakfast...im hungry" i said throwing on one of Brandon's shirts

"Can you make me someee" Brandon yelled as i walked down the staurs

"K" i yelled back walking into the kitchen

I got out all the ingredients before making pancakes,eggs,bacon,sausage,and french toast. I put strawberries and Caramel glaze on my pancake and made my plate first. I made Brandon's plate before setting it on the counter and going to eat mine in the living room. As i was eating Brandon came down and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Looks good" he said smiling at me

"Go eat it then you'll know that it tastes good" i said eating a sausage

"Will do" he said jumping over the couch kneeling between my legs opening wide

"Not that boy!" i said pushing his head

"you sure?" he said smirking

"Yes...go eat your food its on the counter" i said pointing toward the kitchen.

He went and got his food before coming and sitting back down next to me and eating while watching tv with me.

"Babe you got something on your chin"Brandon said looking at me

"Where" i said wiping my chin

"Riiightttt there" he said pointing at it causing me to look down then he flicked my nose, grabbing my chin and kissing me.

"Awwe that was cute"" Ari (theylovearii) said standing by our door

"ARWIIII!!" i yelled jumping ip out of my seat and running to her, hugging her with my legs wrapped around her "omg i missed you so much!!" i added rocking us back and forth

" i feel loved" Brandon said in a playful manner from behind us

"Hey Brando" Ari said pulling away and hugging him instead

"Hey Ariana" Bandon said hugging hr back

"What are you doing here?" i said pulling her to the couch and sitting down

"I'm off tour for the rest of the year" she said smiling

"Aye...guess what... you knowww Hunter has been talking alot about you" Brandon said

"Uhh no he will not be taking my girlfriend"" i said mean mugging him

"Ohh no!" Brandon said picking me up and putting me on his lap

"Anyway...Nee Nee can i talk to you...alone" Ari said standing up

"Ofcourse" i said getting up and pulling her to the office

"Okay...so I think i like hunter too" She said blushing

"Awwe your blushing" I said giggling

"Shut up!" she said hiding her face

"Ok,ok...i got you with hunter though babygirl" i said patting her shoulder

"Do not!embarass me" she said pointing at me

"I won't I promise" i said smiling

"o- "she got cut off

"BABE!!!"Brandon yelled "HUNTERS HERE!!!" He added

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