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He wanted my phone number? Rap Monster wanted my phone number? He actually came back just to get my number?

"But why? How do I know that I can trust you?"

He widened his eyes, feigning disbelief. "Of course you can trust me, I'm Rap Monster."

I laughed out loud.

"That doesn't mean anything to me though, Mister Rap Monster. It doesn't mean you're trustworthy."

"Oh come on. I just want to make friends."

"With me? Why?" I searched for an answer in his eyes.

"Well you seem cool. And you work in a book shop so you must like books. I like books too, so you, me, books. Aren't we meant to be?"

Oh wow Rap Monster or was it Smooth Monster now? Long story short, that cute explanation had earned him my phone number.

Later that same evening, he texted me.

Joon: thanks again for giving me your number :)

Me: you're welcome :)

Joon: what are you up to?

Me: getting ready for bed. You?

Joon: same. Early day tomorrow?

Me: yup. Morning shift. Class right after.

Joon: cool. Well good night.

Me: good night.

Wait what was his real name again?

I tapped on my phone and searched for his stage name, Rap Monster.

Kim Namjoon.

So that was his real name.


I liked it already.


How do I ask a girl out as friends, without making her feel weird or awkward?

Should I ask the guys for advice?

Seokjin and Yoongi hyung would probably make fun of me. Hoseok would probably laugh at me too. Jimin had never even texted girls. Hold on, the maknae line had never even talked about girls.

Never mind. Forget asking the guys.

Should I ask her out for coffee? Does she even drink coffee? What if she hates coffee? Maybe ask her out for lunch? Or brunch?

What if she says no? What do I do?

How do I get her to say yes?


This was way harder than Mensa level IQ questions.

Come on Kim Namjoon, you are smart. You can figure this out. The heck with it, just text her. You can do this.

Joon: hey, wanna hangout?

Her: heyya Mister Rap Monster, uhm not today. I'm busy.

Joon: tomorrow then. Lunch? Teatime? Dinner? Supper?

Her: hmm I can't tomorrow either. Sorry.

Joon: when are you free then?

Her: you're quite persistent, Kim Namjoon.

Joon: yes, I am lol please pretty please. And you knew my real name.

Her: there's a thing called google? let me think about it. I'll text you once I've decided.

Joon: okay. Sounds cool.

No, ugh. Not cool at all. This was worse than getting rejected.

Damn she was not easy.

Hold on, I forgot to ask for her name.

Damn it, I'm an idiot.


It had been three days since Namjoon last sent me that text message, asking me out. I knew I promised to text him back once I had decided when we could meet up, but the truth was I had not decided yet.

I could not.

How do I decide?

He was an idol. A popular idol in an upcoming boy group in South Korea. What the hell did he want from me?

To be my friend? Why?

Why me?

Me: hey how are you?

Joon: heyyy I'm great and you? I was gonna assume that you didn't want to see me. I mean it's been three days.

Me: I'm good, thanks. That's the thing. I can't go out with you.

Joon: oh? Why? I'm not asking you out like on a date. I just wanna hangout with a friend.

Me: I know. But I can't. I'm busy with work and I have exams coming up. Sorry.

Joon: okay that's fine. I get it.


I left his last message on read. I felt like I was disappointing him.

Oh well, surely he had been rejected before. Guys like him could get any girl he wanted anyway. I was just another girl.

He would get over it in no time.


Did she just say no?

She really did, didn't she? She said no to me asking her out, or rather asking her to hangout.

Did I say something wrong? Did I say anything that could have offended her?

I went through the whole scenario, from when I first met her to the first time I talked to her. Then, I read through our text messages. There was nothing that could have made her angry. I had always been polite.

So why? Was it because I hadn't asked her name yet?

She did say that she was busy though. She was a university student and she worked at the bookstore as well. She mentioned exams too. But then it was not exam season yet so what exam was she referring to?

That evening I went to the bookstore and she was not there. I asked her coworker for her work schedule.

I needed to see her again.

I needed to ask her why.

I needed to know why she lied just to not go out with me.

Was it because I am not good looking? Not hot enough for her? Was I not her type?

Now I really needed to see her again. If she did not like me, she should reject me to my face.


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