Private Gamemaker Sessions

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I couldn't believe they were letting me watch the Gamemaker sessions this year! I've been waiting so long! They said they would need help judging, because of the new scoring system. Ever since the 476th Hunger Games, the scoring system has been changed to where they are scored on a scale of 1-24, 24 being the best, and no other tribute can have the same score. It helps make it less "obvious" who will win or lose to make the bets a bit more fair.

Without warning, Kevin, from District One, steps out into the center of the room. He was tall and big, and had a face that said "Don't mess with me or my buds."

"Kevin, you may begin," the Head Gamemaker said. Kevin took the heaviest ball, which the Head Gamemaker said weighed two hundred fifty pounds, and smashed it over the dummy's head. The dummy shattered to the ground in a million pieces.

"You may go," the Head Gamemaker said.

After Kevin left, Hayden walked in. Hayden attempted to climb the fake tree, but fell on his back. A few gamemakers behind me laughed. Hayden then picked up a spear, hurled it, and it struck the dummy right in the chest. He bowed, then left without another word.

Next up was Braden, and even on maximum difficulty, the simulator could not touch him. For melee simulations, he chopped the heads off, and for ranged simulations, threw it into their stomachs. I sat there with my mouth open.

"Thank you Braden," the Head Gamemaker said. Braden left, and Cade walked in. He was pretty decent with a sword, but at least two simulations were able to beat him. Namely the trident and the throwing knives.

Interesting, I thought.

Next up was Ethan. At first I had absolutely no idea what he was doing. He seemed to be talking to the simulation. Suddenly, the simulated person stopped, stood there confused, and Ethan sliced his neck with his dagger. He did this for every single one. I gave him a nod when he looked my way, and he was released.

Next was Harper. He wasn't necessarily good with a specific runner, but he was very fast and was able to set impressive traps.

"Thank you, Harper," the Head Gamemaker said.

After Harper was Hunter. The only thing he showed off was his charisma.

Good luck getting far, I thought.

The Head Gamemaker released him early, and in came Kyle. I'd say he was OK, but I never expected someone from District Four to not be talented at spears.

Next up was Brett, and he was surprisingly good with duel-wielding daggers. He beat nearly everything in the simulator. He did this until his buzzer.

Next up was Preston. He took the simulated nightlock, rubbed it on some darts, and used a blowgun to blow the poison darts at simulated enemies. Even if he didn't hit a vital spot, the simulated people would "die" within seconds. His buzzer went off, and the gamemakers all gave him nods.

Next up was Connor, and he was "OK". He was decent in the axe area, which I guess could help him in the games.

After Connor was Charles, and his weapon was his brains. The Head Gamemaker set up the most difficult maze and Charles easily traversed it.

What would happen if someone came at him with a weapon? I asked myself.

Matthew was an odd case. His personality seemed to change, and each time would be a different weapon. For one a sword, for another a bow, and for the last one a dagger.

Justin was very secretive and wouldn't talk at all. His main weapon was a trident, which was very odd considering he was from Seven.

Aaron was actually pretty good. He beat about half the simulated tributes with a knife that could be melee or ranged. I also noted that he was a lefty.

Austin... only beat one simulation. He could barely lift the sword at all!

Larry didn't beat any simulations at all, and couldn't nock the arrow correctly.

Grant's weapon was interesting. He seemed to excel at karate. He beat every melee in the simulator, but no ranged.

At this point, most of us were getting bored. We completely forgot about the next tribute.

"Wyatt, District Ten," a voice said. We turned around to see Wyatt standing where the simulation was held, trident in hand. As soon as the simulation was turned on, he easily beat all weapons. Even on maximum difficulty, he only got one "injury" to his leg. Everyone clapped at his performance.

Next up was Josh, and he did pretty great. The worst "injury" he got was to his shoulder, and it was interestingly a spear, his own weapon.

Jeff was AMAZING! As soon as he touched the sword nothing could stand in his way. He even threw the sword to attack the simulated person with a bow.

Ryan was pretty good. I had never seen such a small person lift a mace, even if he was seventeen already. He beat most of the simulator, except for two people.

Nick was pretty good, getting one "injury" to the side. I thought he was pretty good.

Chris was the last one, and quite good with a bow. He did get a "fatal injury" in the simulation, which some of the gamemakers had to turn away for because of how badly it "hurt".

Overall, a very interesting group.


Well that's it for this week! I will work on the chapter for next week, which will include both scores and interviews.

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