Chapter Thirty Seven

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Sam's P.O.V..

I woke up to the bright sunlight shining through the window across from our cell. I rolled over and groaned slightly as someone started to shake my shoulder.

"Go away." I grumbled with my head shoved in deeper in to the pillow.

"Come on Sam... Everyone is heading out." Daryl said quietly next to my ear and I instantly felt a shiver go down my spine when his breath hit my neck.

I rolled over and my face was just inches from his as I looked in his eyes.

"What are we doing today?" I asked quietly as I placed a hand over my mouth hiding my yawn.

"We're going to move and burn the walkers from the field." He replied quietly. I nodded and just stared in to his eyes. We stayed that way for what seemed like hours before he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. "Now come on." He chuckled.

"Fine." I sighed, getting up but I dropped straight back on to the bed holding my head in my hands.

I felt the bed dip beside me and Daryl's arm wrapped around ny waist.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked quietly, concern thick in his voice.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. I'm fine." I whispered, waving him off. I could still feel my head spinning slightly but I ran my hand through my hair and put a smile on my face. "Let's go.." I said slowly standing up, grabbing the bed for support.

"You stay in bed... We'll be fine out there." Daryl said, pulling me in to his arms.

"I told you I'm fine... Now come on." I said as i turned around and rumaged through my backpack.

I pulled on my long shirt over my tank top before slipping on my boots and following Daryl down the steps.

"Aftetnoon." Merle greeted when I passed his cell heading to the door. I let out a slight laugh as I turned to face him with a smile.

"It's not that late." I chuckled, avoiding his gaze.

"Yes it is." He stated. "We've fixed up the gates and everything." He added as my expression turned to shock. I honestly didn't know what was wrong with me over the past week, all I seemed to be doing was sleeping.

I shook my head and waved off Merle, not even bothering to answer as I made my way out the door.

"Mom can I come and help today?" Harry questioned as he started tugging on my shirt.

"Not out there little man.." I answered. "It's too dangerous." I added. A small frown formed on his face and he dropped his head. Over the last month he had become stronger and a lot more independent, I'm glad he wanted to help but I hated him helping out with the walkers.

I slipped my finger under his chin lifting his head up to look in his eyes.

"Go in there and ask Merle if he will take you around the prison." I whispered as a smile spread on his face. "Make sure you look after him." I chuckled setting him down on the ground, watching him run off through the door to find Merle. I looked out to the field to see Daryl, Rick, Glenn and Michonne slowly carrying bodies towards the fences.

I slowly pulled the gate by me open and made my way towards them. I started to drag a small womans body towards the fence and dropped it next to the others.

"Sam.. Come help me with this one." Michonne said, gripping the feet of a large man. I nodded and made my way towards them and bent down to help her. I lifted the walker up by the shoulders and the smell hit me straight away making me cringe.

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