Chapter Twenty Seven

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Sam's P.O.V..

"No! No stop!!" Harry screamed. I shot up in the dark and rushed to his bed, my heart jumped in to my throat as I dropped to my knees next his bed.

"Hey. Calm down." I soothed in his ear but he was still sleeping. I tried to roll him over and rub circles on his side but nothing seemed to make his stop shaking. "Daryl!" I called not knowing what to do.

"Yeah?" He asked whilst yawning.

"Help me." I said quietly as I looked back at him with panic in my eyes.

Daryl got to his feet and rushed over to us, I slumped back a bit and let Daryl do what needed to be done. I relaxed when I saw Harry's body slowly calm down, his breathing returning to normal.

"Thank You." I whispered to Daryl as he climbed back in to the bed.

"It's fine." He stated quietly as I got in beside him and pulled the blanket over us.

I was awake now and I looked across at Harry in the bed beside us and sighed, I just wanted him to be safe. I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep easily so I slowly turned around on to my other side. I jumped when I was met by Daryl's piercing blue eyes.

"You scared me." I whispered looking deep in to his eyes.

"Sorry." He said quietly.

Things went quiet as I thought about the possibility of me and Daryl being back together, I smiled slightly and I wandered off in to my own little world until Daryl cleared his throat.

I looked up again in to his eyes and he raised his hand up to push a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What you thinking about?" He asked softly as his hand lingered on my face.

"Us." I stated plainly. A smile spread across his face and he looked down to my lips and back to my eyes.

"What about us?" He asked sweetly. I looked in to his eyes and shook my head, I wanted to be back to normal with him but things had gone to fsr this time.

We had a lot to sort out and think about before I even considered us to be a couple again.

"Just how hard it's going to be to work this out between us." I said as I pulled his hand away from my face.

"Really? You think it's going to be hard to work out?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah.." I said as I turned on to my back. "I'm sorry but it's not going to be easy." I sighed as I closed my eyes.

"But you're willing to give it a go?" He questioned in my ear.

"Yeah." I replied simply before turning to face Harry's bed and falling asleep again.


Morning came by quickly and I felt as if I hadn't slept at all last night, I was worried about the big move we had coming up today. Today was our move to the prison and I knew we had a lot to do before we could get there.

"Morning." I said quietly in Harry's ear as I lightly nudged him to get up.

"Morning Mom." He yawned as he rolled over on the bed.

I turned around and looked at Daryl, he was still snorning softly as I walked over to his side of the bed.

"Get up." I said as I shook him. He started to stir and he opened one eye and smirked up at me.

"No.." He yawned before closing his eyes and pushing his face in to the pillow.

"Daryl." I whined. "Come on." I said as I shook him again.

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