Chapter Twenty Two

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Sam's P.O.V..

I woke up to the beating sun on my face but i refused to open my eyes.

"Daryl please don't go. I'll be okay." Harry whined for beside me.

"I'm not going to be long buddy. I'll be back by sunset I promise." Daryl soothed as foot steps made their way towards me.

"Morning." I mumbled as Daryl's lips touched my cheek.

"Good Morning." He whispered softly.

I slowly opened my eyes and watched Daryl walk away from the bed towards the door ready to leave.

"Daryl you don't need to go away. I'm... I'm..." Harry started but fell back against the wall clutching his stomach. Daryl went to Harry and gently picked him up placing him back in to bed.

"Remember I'll be back by sunset." He soothed and Harry just nodded. I felt my heart sink when I saw how much more pain Harry was in today.

I felt the bed sink and I brought my attention back to Daryl who was looking me deep in the eyes.

"Stop worrying. I'll be back soon Darlin'!" He whispered before kissing my forehead and leaving the room. I quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed ready for the day before heading over to the door.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked quietly from behind me.

"Just downstairs for a moment. I'll be strsight back." I replied as I shut the bedroom door and started to make my way downstairs.

I reached the living room and Hershel was handing Daryl a list of things scribbled on a piece of paper. I sighed as I walked past them and in to the kitchen, I stopped when it was just Lori and went to turn around and walk out.

"Sam, wait." Lori called. I stopped and turned to face her.

"What?" I asked simply. Lori shifted slightly on her feet and just stared at the floor before finally looking at me.

"I'm Sorry. The things I said to Daryl about Harry were awful and I understand if you don't care what I say but just please just know that I am Sorry." She said seriously.

I nodded my head and leaned my back against the wall in the kitchen.

"Why did you say it then?" I questioned as I looked her in the eye.

"Hormones maybe? I'm not sure. Daryl is a strong member of the group and maybe I just wanted him here to protect my family. I didn't even think about your family and I am Sorry." She replied quietly.

"I understand." I responded before making my way over to her. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a slight squeeze before removing my arms and grabbing a small plate of food.

I walked back towards the stairs passing everyone on the way, I reached the stair and Daryl appeared at my side.

"Sunset." He whispered in my ear and I nodded in response before running up the stairs. I slowly pushed the door open and Harry was sitting up in his bed, I walked over to his bed and sat down beside him.

"I want you to try and eat some food for me." I said softly.

"Okay." He stated as he tried to pick the fork up with his shaking hands.

I watched as he attempted to feed himself but he was becoming to shaky to hold the food steady.

"Come here." I whispered pulling the fork out of his hand. I picked up some of the beans and began to slowly feed him, I know he probably felt like a baby but I needed him to eat atleast a few things for me. He ate half of the food that was on the plate but started to feel ill, I put the plate on the side table and lay down on the opposite side of the small bed to face the door.

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