"I can handle myself, Letty."

"You can but I won't allow them to think they even have half a chance."

He didn't speak anymore just worked silently on his tires, not wanting to argue about the same old thing.

He'd never make her see that she was the only girl for him.


The following day, there was a bit of trouble.

"Hobbs is on the other side of the city," Mia yelled.

It put people in motion but Vince's words made them panic. Mia and Brian ran to the back while the others scrambled to hide.

Hobbs and his people.

The large man ran into Dom's Charger and Zack turned to see how Dom had reacted. He looked very upset with the man and he couldn't blame him.

"You just made a big mistake," Dom's words made Zack fear for the man.

"Took me awhile to find that tracking device. But not as long to flip the receiver," Hobbs said as he hopped out of the truck. "You're going down, Toretto," he threatened.

Dom walked over to him, ready.

"I am right here."

The punch he threw collided with Hobbs but the man retaliated with several punches of his own.

Their fight ensued for awhile and finally came to a stop once Dom received the upper hand and grabbed the monkey wrench that Hobbs had tried to use against him. Mia, Brian, Vince, and Zack stood watch as Hobbs' team pointed guns at them and the two rumbling on the ground.

Dom didn't smash in Hobbs' head.

They were loaded into the back of a truck along with Hobbs. He wanted to take them back to the states and get them sent to prison. Someone had other plans.

A bomb hit the first truck in line and it crashed.

People started shooting all around. Brian pushed Zack's head down and used his body to protect Mia. They all were in shock over what was happening.

"Cut us loose!", Brian started. Vince joined in to get the only officer left inside to help them out.

She looked panicked but finally freed them from their binds.

Another bomb set off on the other truck and Hobbs team was dropping like flies.

The only one still alive at this point was Hobbs and they were coming for him. But Brian, Dom, Zack, and Vince were helping him out of the hole they were forced into.

Bullets flew and Zack had Brian and Dom's back as Vince took out the snipers on the roof.

They ended up back in the same car but this time there were no restraints as Hobbs tried to recuperate and Zack noticed the blood seeping through Vince's shirt.


Zack couldn't look as he heard them exchange words. It wasn't fair to him or to them to lose him like this when they just got him back. He'd been there through a lot of stuff and just because he and Brian didn't get a long in the beginning doesn't mean he wasn't family.

They covered him as he lie in the table.

"I'll ride with you Toretto. Or at least until we kill that son of a bitch," Hobbs offered in wake of all the silence that fell over them.

Zack wanted to be apart of it as well, but the original plan stood.

They were doing this.

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