Forget laughter revenge is the best medicine!

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"Let me get this straight, my brother aka your boyfriend-"

"Soon to be ex boyfriend," Maddie interrupted paige.

"Right, was making out with Franklin regional's own 'hoe, hoe, hoe' and you decided that it'd be better if instead of confronting him about it then, you publicly humiliate him in front of the whole school?" Did I really need to go over a plan, that took less than a minute to explain to Maddie, six hundred times for Paige?

"Yes Paige that's what I said less than a minute ago, and can we please come up with another nickname for the slut than 'hoe, hoe, hoe'? I can never look at a mall Santa the same ever again!" I snapped, and I knew I shouldn't have but you can't really blame me! I had just witnessed my soon to be ex boyfriend, as Maddie called it, suck faces with a girl that wasn't me.

"Chloe calm down, after all josh is just down the hall and we wouldn't want him to find out about our perfect plan, now would we?" Once again ladies and gentlemen, Maddie Ziegler makes herself seem like an angel.

"No,no we-"

"What don't you want me to find out babe?" josh suddenly barges into Paige's room that had become our hangout over the years.

"Oh she just doesn't want you to find out that I think you're so hot and some very good eye candy!" Maddie says while batting her eyelashes flirtatiously, even though that was a very awesome save that was totally believable, I felt like smacking the girl.

"You know, if you didn't have a boyfriend and I didn't have a girlfriend I would totally bang you right now." Oh yes because having a girlfriend is what's holding you back from doing that right now.

"Oh I know!" Maddie said slyly giving a flirtatious wink, if only josh knew that that wasn't all we knew.

"Ok josh get out of my room before I tell mads and chlo how you used to have a crush on-" josh suddenly clamped his hand over Paige's mouth.

"Fine I'll get out! but not a word do you understand me?" Josh glared at paige "ow did you just bight me?"

"Get out of my room Joshua dale hyland!" And with that josh was out of our hair.

"Geez paige why don't you scream a little louder next time?" I said sarcastically.

"I've got it!" This time it was Maddie who screamed.

"What?" I asked afraid of the evil glint in her eyes.

"The perfect plan to ruin Joshua dale hyland once and for all!" where would I be without maddie?

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