Chapter 1-Grandmas and grandpas

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You keep on running all the way to your house hoping not to miss the plane.I mean,why would they say such an urgent agreement on the foregoing day?!

As expected,every afternoon after classes you would always get a nice greeting from your grandma.Since,your mother and father's heads are always stuck on their jobs(the reason why they swiftly agreed on letting you learn abroad),she's the only person in the house you can trust with your running problems.A wise woman you can trust with your secrets perhaps.
And that's why you realized:despite of her late adulthood,she showed you everything your mother and father has never known.

Suchlike the story about her adventures that started on her friend's small coffee shop that repeatedly flashes through your mind when your troubled.And how she met this tiny spherical-shaped technology that gave her a white jeweled watch.But is therefore given to you when you were young.


She even believed that it came from out of nowhere and is said to be an alien,but you set aside that thought for a moment.

Moreover,you are also there for her to listen on her crazy and galvanizing adventures.Although it bums you out discovering that she's the queen of cliffhangers sometimes.Whenever she's on climax,she starts to snore and directly goes to sleep which kinda leaves you hanging.As a caring grandchild,you understand it anyways.

Whereas a positive side can left a trail of negativity.

Whenever you state a coffee shop,she starts pondering and subsequently leaves her chores.Which activates your curiosity about her childhood.

And the answers to your curiousity about it are left unknown.

Henceforth,a sweet grandma surprises you as you arrived.

She notices your tiredness as she helps you with your bags.You jump n the couch in order to relax afterwards.

She smiled,"So,how was school,sweetie?"

"Hmm...dovish as always,grandma..."you replied back.

"That's nice to hear,dear..."she went towards your room as you analyze what she's up to.

"By the way..."she blurted coming out of the room while carrying some bags,"Your mother told me that you have been exchanged to somewhere else"

Then,the thought came barging in your mind as you stood up.

"Oh right"you rub the nape of your neck of foolishness,"I'll be gone for a few months,granny.But where will you be afterwards?You can't just stay here alone."

"Don't worry,dear.Your [Uncle/Auntie's Name] will fetch me here tomorrow and I'll be staying in [Uncle/Auntie's Hometown] while your gone."

You let out a relief,"Well,that's good but..."

"But what,sweetie?"she responsed

You stated,"I won't be hearing stories everyday henceforth,grandma.I'll be staying with a grandpa now."

"Oh,its just a couple of months,honey..."she soothed,"I'll tell you what,you can call me anytime you like and you can hear my so-called 'crazy' story"

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