Chapter 6 - Blood Eagle

Start from the beginning

He couldn't figure it out and the distractions of you were starting to creep back. Why wouldn't you just leave you annoying it was starting to get annoying. He was slightly grateful for them however, it meant that he didn't have to focus on the brutal killing he had just witnessed, even if it were only in his head, it still had a strong effect on him. I mean imagine going through something like that? You must be truly twisted to do something like this, find pleasure in it even. It was if he could get inside of the killers head, he didn't necessarily like that. He felt as if he had been turned into Will Graham and Jack Crawford was just using him as he got closer and closer to the actual killer by accident. He shook his head to get the thought out and let the enigma that was you creep back in. You were comforting at least, something constant. Something normal. And with that he left the crime scene to Lestrade and Anderson to sort out. Even if Anderson was untrustworthy with forensic things. Sherlock was quite surprised that he was even allowed back into Scotland Yard, after all he did to put doubt into other peoples minds about him and being a 'fraud'.


You had just started to relax in the bathtub when you heard the front door slam, "Sherlock must be back then," you muttered to yourself not really to anyone as no one was there, not really, allowing your body to sink further into the bubbles. This was your relaxing time and you weren't going to allow anything to stop that. Even if Sherlock decided to storm in here and have a piss or mess up the house so much it looked like a bomb had hit it, you would just ignore him and continue on your way through your book. It was a good book you had to admit so you didn't really want any distractions from it.

Instead he knocked on the door lightly, almost so lightly you didn't hear it, "Sherlock?" you called out, it kind of made you a little worried that he was so quiet after all of his excitement before he went off, he was so happy, "do you want to talk?"

"No, can I just come in?" His question took you aback a bit, you certainly weren't expecting that, you thoguht he had strict rules about things like privacy and such, "Just pull the shower curtain across, I wont look." You obliged and pulled it across quietly also putting your book down you called for him to come in.

"Are you okay?" You sounded worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need to focus," he said without any explination as to why he needed to be in the bathroom to do that. Seemed you'd just started talking anyway.

"Any reason why you're here then?" you asked a little exasperated at his actions, surely if he needed to focus he would be able to just do it in another room? He did say that your presence was distracting and that you needed to be in another room entirely for him to be able to concentrate even one incy little bit. You had to admit though that you were a little confused by his next statement.

"I can't focus on anything else unless you're near me," there was that truth again, you weren't entirely sure if you'd ever get used to that, even years after you had known him.

"Okay..." you eyebrows knitted together you were pretty sure he just contradicted himself from mere hours before, "wait, anything else? Else from what?" he hadn't mentioned what had been distracting him from focusing before, so surely it must be something pretty important? Something he couldn't get out of his thoughts...

"You, you're distracting me," he really needed to stop doing that, he'd made you go red in face. Again, and you were so grateful in that moment that the shower curtain was in between you both so he couldn't see how embarassed he had made you.

"But I don't understand," as flattered as you were you were still confused, "How can my presence be distracting and then change to helping you focus on other things in a matter of less than a day?" You had to admit, even to a great mind like yours, it was odd.

"I don't know, I honestly don't know," you peeked around the edge of the curtain to find Sherlock with his head in his hands. He really is confused isn't he? "I wanted to ask you something anyway," he raised his head to look at you, his expression now serious. He looked like he was going to a funeral with that face, "Would you be able to come on a case with me tomorrow?"

You nodded, agreeing a little reluctantly but wanting to help him all the same, "What sort of case?" Surely it couldn't be the same one from today? Must be a new one, you thought.

"Ah well, is it okay if John and Mary accompany us? It's more than a two man job see? And uh..." You nodded understanding, he seemed a little nervous about asking, this wasn't like him. He was usually straight to the point and direct this was...unusual for him and you weren't at all sure if you liked it all that much. He continued, "It's at a restaurant, I'm investigating whether the owner is poisining his high up guests for money as well as blackmailing them."

"Sherlock that sounds great, now would you mind if I got out of the bath now? It's just that i'm getting a little wrinkley here," you laughed a little to ease the tension, it seemed to work because you got a smile out of him at least, "Now turn around." You directed him and he followed, he was a little like a puppy now that you thought about it. Bouncy and playful but also obidient.

He heard you step out of the bath and it made him slightly nervous. He never got like this in front of anyone, anyone! Not even the woman, he was just trying to impress her not be nervous and blushing like a schoolboy! So why were you so different from everyone else? He decided to stop thinking about those things, which he surprisingly able to do, and keep talking to you. Talking to you focused him anyway so that was a plus, maybe it was the not talking to you which made him so distracted by you. Maybe it was because he wasn't asking you questions was the reason that you made him so curious? Because he didn't know hardly anything about you? "You'll have to wear a dress." he said as if he was warning you, it also sounded like you were towelling off now. He had only said it in that tone however because he wasn't sure if you had any fresses, he'd only seen you in skirts and trousers before.

ot that you didn't look nice in them, he just wanted you to look...formal.

"I realise that Sherlock, I'm not stupid," you laughed a little at him as you got dressed quickly, putting a towel on your head, "you can turn back around now."

"Right, well." he cleared his throat as he turned to face you, "shall we say seven?"

"Sure but I mean it's not as if we're not going to see each other in the day so it doesn't really matter does it?" you questioned him, giving a lopsided grin.

"I guess you're right, shall we?" he pointed to the door and you opened it after his direction. It was then at that moment when you walked past him. The moment he saw you, smelt you, felt you that he knew. He was starting to have human error and he wasn't sure if he was ready for it, let alone prepared. He should have seen this coming, it was all so obvious and yet, you'd lured him so far into your trap that he had no idea how to escape.


A/N - Woah! Well, I told you I would do it tonight! I'm so proud of myself but now my wrists hurt :( Anyway, enjoy! John and Mary come back in next chapter and something happens that is extra fluffy and cute! Look forward to it!

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