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"Hikaru~ You are so lazy today, it's still the fourth period, are you ok?!".

Hikaru turn to look next to him and saw his friend Yuya looking at him with his worried eyes.

"I was forced to attend today, I am sick". Hikaru said and Yuya touch his forehead and frown.

"You have a fever, go home and rest". Yuya said but Hikaru shake his head.

"No, if I go dad will shout at me, he don't like it when I leave early".

"Then go to the infirmary, Satomi-Sensei will take care of you~". Yuya teased him and Hikaru rolled his eyes.

"If I had the strength I will Kick Your Ass! I'm not like you Bakaki".

Hikaru stand up but lose his balance, Yuya catch him fast and hold his arm.

"I will help you".

"At least something good come from you, Thanks".

Yuya giggles and walk him to the infirmary. Hikaru take the medicine and fall asleep really fast, Yuya return to the class and sit in his place, the bell ring and the break time ended, a few minutes later, the teacher enter.

"Listen up everyone, there is a new students in this class, please welcome them, Yabu-Kun, Inoo-Kun, Come in". The teacher call them and they enter, Yuya tilt his head as he look at one of them.


"Introduce yourself please". The teacher said and they look at the class before one of them talk.

"I'm Yabu Kota, Please Don't Be My Friends because I don't want to, if I talk to you answer with yes or no only, I come here to find Yaotome Hikaru and talk to him only, Thank you".

Everyone was speechless and open their mouth as they heard the most creepiest  introduce in their life.

"I'm Inoo Kei, Kota's best friend, my word is his word so no need to say anything more, Thanks".

The class fall in silence and no one dare to talk, the teacher notice the tension and laugh awkwardly.

"M-Ma Ma Let's get along, So Yabu-Kun you can sit there and Inoo-Kun behind him".


They walk to their seats while everyone looking at them with their weird eyes, Yuya look at the one who sit next to him, it was Kei, he tilt his head to look carefully and that make Kei turn to look at him with his cold eyes.


"You look like a girl". Yuya's comment make Kota who sit in front of Kei turn back to look at him sharply.

"Apologize Now!".

Kota said firmly and Yuya look at him, he don't know what to say so he just apologize, Kei turn to look at his notebook and Kota sighed before he stand up.

"Excuse me". The teacher look at him and everyone one did that too.

"Yes Yabu-Kun??".

"I want to say something, Avoid Kei-chan and never say that he looks like a girl, because he will attack you and you will end up in the hospital". Kota said and everyone look at Kei who was drawing something in his notebook.

"It's a Warning". Kota's firm tone make them shiver and turn to look to the teacher who smile to them awkwardly.

"Let's start the class".

Yuya look at Kota who sit in his chair then to Kei.

"What the Heck is Wrong With Those Two?!!".


A new fic~ Hope You Will Like it...^____^

It's Only With 7 Chapters and I already Finish it, but the first 3 chapters need correction so you have to wait a little before I update again...^o^)/


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