"Okay Karina, guess who showed up yesterday." She says excitedly, shoving a shit ton of lays into her mouth. Closing the door behind us, we hit the fridge for a couple of waters.

"Who?" I perk up, but she gives me that "oh you know look." I close the fridge after making sure I replaced the water bottles with room temperature ones.

"Natalie." We both speak in unison. We giggle, we both hate her!

"So get this, remember that guy Michael from last night? The one that hit on you?"

"Uhuh." I say, leaning closer because she's about to drop all the fuckin tea. The whole kettle.

"He hit up Jason and told him that he left home with Natalie, and he woke up with crabs! Crabs bitch!" She laughs and I start laughing a horrible laugh to go along with hers.

"Oh no! I thought he was cute and smooth! Why would he go home with her? Tragic." I laugh a little slower. We start walking towards her living room.

"Girl, I have no idea what guys see in her. Or rather what guys don't see from her. Michael probably wouldn't have gotten crabs if you stayed talking to him. What happened anyways? From where I was, it looked like you guys were hitting it off." She opens the door for us, taking a giant swig from her water bottle.

"Your dad warned him off, it's ok though. I'm pretty blurred out on what happened after that. I probably wouldn't even had remembered what the night would've been like with him. Oh, and I lost my favorite sweater!" I say in defeat, one of the maintenance people probably already threw it out.

"Sucks. I'll get you a new one." She shrugs, probably happy that it's gone. She hates that sweater.

I hear foot steps thumping against the stair case, small murmurs of speech coming from a familiar voice. Jason walks down along side his father, both looking as hung over as me. I don't understand how Jess can wake up so perky and not hung over like the rest of us.

"Morning." Jason pulls me into a hug, placing a soft peck on my forehead. I hug back, telling him it's 2 pm. He shrugs his shoulders and starts walking towards the kitchen.

"Hi Karina." Justin pulls me into a hug, I happily hug back, stroking his back. "Hi Mr. Bieber." I smile, knowing his little secret. He pulls away immediately, coughing and smiling awkwardly. He starts making his way towards the kitchen, telling me again he feels old when I call him that. I giggle.

"Hey, my sweater!" I grab it from his hands, making sure to brush the back of his palm gently. "Where'd you find it?" I ask, leaning on my leg a little. Jess scoffs, shaking her head at my sweater.

Justin looks taken back for a minute, nervous almost.

"Oh, just in the hallway. It was on the floor." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Well, thanks any ways Mr. Bieber." I say, making my way back up these damn stairs once more along side Jess.

"It's Justin!" He yells childishly, following Jason in his tracks.

As we reach the top, I notice the door to the right that we're not allowed through is wide open. The hallway triggering a faint memory of last night.

..."Well... Do you wanna know a secret?" He sits up slowly, cutting through the silence. My interest peaks, I sit up along with him.

"You can't tell anyone." He holds my chin in the palm of his hand and makes me look him dead in the eye. I only nod to confirm my secrecy. Drunk Mr. Bieber is my favorite version of him so far, he's like a giggly kid.And we lay in silence for a minute, staring strait into each other's eyes...

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