A New Part Of The Family

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So guys the book with be coming to an end soon but I hope you enjoy this chapter 😊

9 months later

Trish was sitting in the living room with Sasha and Lita while Jeff was in the back with Roman and Edge. They were having a Cook Out Trish was 9 months and was due any day now. Everyone couldn't wait to meet the baby.

"Do you have a name picked out yet?" Lita asked

Trish smiled at her "We Have A Few Picked Out But I'm Not Telling No One"

Sasha made a puppy dog face at Trish and they all laughed. They all were called to back cause the food was ready and the girls made there way and fixed them some a plate and they all sat down and ate. After they all are they were all sitting there just talking and chilling. Jeff sat next to Trish and placed his hand in her stomach than the baby started kicking and they smiled at each other.

"I can't wait to meet the baby "

"I know me too " Trish leans in and kisses Jeff

"Awee you guys are so perfect for each other " Lita said smiling at them.

They all laughed than it got darker and they leaned up and and everyone left and Trish went up to take a bath and relax while Jeff was in the kitchen putting away left overs.

"JEEFFFF??" Trish yelled Jeff stopped what he was doing and ran upstairs.

"What wrong?" Jeff looked at Trish see water in the floor

"It's time the baby is coming" Jeff started to panic a little but he got the over night bag and helped Trish to the car and he got In and started to drive and he called Matt.


"Bro Trish is having the baby"

"We will meet you there " Matt hangs up and gets ready with Ashley.

Jeff pulls up to the hospital and helps Trish out of the car and bring her into the hospital a nurse comes with a wheelchair to take her to the room and Jeff follows.

8 hours later

Matt and Ashley where in the waiting to hear the good news. They see Jeff walks out smiling at them.

"Come on guys" they stood up and walked to the back to the room with Jeff when they walked in they saw Trish holding the baby. Trish looks up at them and smiles wide at them.

"Say hello too Jasmine Patricia Hardy "

"She is a Beauty You Guys Did Amazing " Matt said smiling at his new born niece.

Jeff leans over and kisses Trish and hold her hand and watch Ashley and Matt give all there attention to there daughter. They both were happy and all they wanted to do was give there daughter the best life and be happy.

That's all for this chapter I hope you all enjoyed reading 😊

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