Ch.33 *Functional Family*

Start from the beginning

My shoulders slumped slightly. Oh.

"You're stupid. Why do you do this?"

Shut up.



They let me stay the night for the next two days. To be honest, I don't think they really ever wanted me to leave. Dinners were great, and there was always games to play and someone to talk to.

I went downstairs to get a glass of water in the middle of the night. I woke up from a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep.

I could barely make out the pictures frames that lined the walls, similar to our own at our house, but instead, theirs were all from real, important times in their lives. Anastasia's sixth birthday (which, for the record, was the best time I've ever had a Chuck E Cheese), their wedding and several pictures of them hiking.

Our walls were adorned with pictures all from photoshoots, where we're required to smile. The difference was extraordinary.

The stairs creaked slightly underneath me, and when they stopped I heard voices.

They were barely audible until I got closer. Tammy and Josh were standing in the living room. "I don't care Josh. She needs help."

The fireplace in the corner was lit and it was the only light in the dark room. The dark couches and paintings on the walls were just black rectangles.

"She's just a teenager!" he exclaimed back.

"She's timid, and flinches at things like she's afraid something will happen." She explained, her voice dropping. "She's not used to love."

They were talking about me. Although I could see these reasons as of why someone might be worried about my mental health, but not enough to send me to a therapist. I'll continue suppressing it until it finally goes away.

"Nonsense. Tam, don't get involved this isn't our business."

"She's living in a messed up family! Can't we do anything about it?" Tammy asked in a hushed whisper.

He sat down on the couch and she did the same next to him. "She'll be fine."

Aunt Tammy ran a hand through her poofy dark hair and sighed. "She's our niece..."

"Listen, just go check on her and make sure she isn't having another nightmare if it'll calm you down." I heard Aunt Tammy's sigh and footsteps leading my way.

No no no!

My heart was beating out of my chest as I scrambled to run back up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. There was no way in hell I would be found eavesdropping. They already thought I freaking strange enough.

I slid under the covers and had a few seconds in silence before the door was pushed open. My face was angled away from her and the blanket covered the lower half of my face.

Aunt Tammy came and sat down near me. I felt her fingers brush my hair and her small sigh.

She started to whisper. "I wish I could give you a better life. You don't deserve that household."

My heart ached to reach up to her and hug her but I stayed still and willed myself not to smile or make any movement.

I simply couldn't. I would force us both into an awkward situation and I wasn't about to do that.

"I'm so sorry Arabella..." She leaned down and kissed my forehead. I yearned for the motherly touch I never got.

Stirring slightly I turned in the bed and fluttered my eyes open. I saw her and smiled slightly before letting my drift back close. I could almost sense her smiling, as she got up and walked across the room to the closet. There was a rustle and behind my closed eyelids something illuminated.

It was a soft light. The minute the door closed I opened my eyes to see a large Starlight which was strung atop the armor. She must have just plugged it in.

I could see my surroundings now so I let my eyes drift into a now peaceful sleep.



Aunt Tammy drive me the extent of the three-hour long drive down the I-80 to get me home. I insisted that I could just catch the next Greyhound out, or take the train but she refused.

Secretly I think she just didn't want me alone.

We walked up the slight stoop to our my house. It was night and the lights were on. I couldn't help but glance over to the neighboring house. Tyler's light was on.

I couldn't wait to go up to my room and talk to him, but I visibly cringed when I remembered how we parted. I was convinced he hated me, swapped spit and I practically ran away.

What a good person I am...

In the midst of my worrying, the voice spoke up. "Oh, this'll be fun." I started to imagine a middle-aged woman, sitting on her couch with a bowl of popcorn on her lap and rubbing her hands together.

Dismissing the thought altogether, I pulled out my key and shoved it in the lock. The house was cold and quite. Nothing seemed to make a sound.

Tammy walked me in and sat down on the couch. "Where is your mom?"

Shrugging, I reached to hang my keys up. My bag hit the ground with a thud, "I don't know."

She pursed her lips and frowned. Her fingers brushed of her caramel-colored pencil skirt as she stood, "Okay well, I guess I should go."

I was about to nod but stopped myself, "You can always stay for dinner." I offered but I didn't even need to check the time to realize it was far past dinner. "I- erm... Sorry."

She held up her hand and smiled, "No- it's okay, but you'll be fine here? Alone?"

I shrugged and turned away, "Taylor is probably in his room and Mason is probably just in the den. I'll make them some food and go to bed." I smiled, mainly for her sake. "Thank you- for everything."

She moved closer to give and a hug and I squeezed her back, "You are so welcome, any time you want, please come and visit us."

I pulled back and nodded. I probably would never visit them anytime soon but it was nice for her to offer. I had to be here for my brothers. I had to be here to make sure my household didn't fall apart. The roles swapped. The children made sure the adults didn't act up.

"Love you." She smiled and poofed up her hair.

"Are you sure you want to drive home?"

It's not that I didn't want her to drive home in the dark, I think I just didn't want her to leave.

"I'll be alright." she picked up her purse, turned to give me one last hug. "Take care."

I nodded and called out that I loved her seconds before the door closed.

.... Not the happiest chapter ever...

I promise there will be more action and stuff that leads to the plot and I swear this does, in the next chapter.

Also lowkey but actually high key freaking out atm because my math teacher told me I had an A in the class REPEATEDLY and when the grades were released I had a 89.97 because HE didn't put in my extra 10% on my final.

Like mate that's on you, I worked hard and deserve that A now fix it please and thank you.

Au Revoir untill friday! See ya buds.

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