Chapter 4 Jealous

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( Last Time On Fighting For Skye Heart )

"Oh this is Skye, She is the new member of the Paw Patrol"

"W-Where am I?"

"Ahhhh!!, ( Breathes heavenly ) It were just a dream"

"May i sleep with you"

"Goodnight Skye"


[ Morning ]

As the sun rises, The sun light hit one of Chase eye and woke him up

Chase P.O.V
[ Yawn ]  As I woke up from the light, I look to the left and saw Skye sleeping next to me [ blush ]  "Wow, I never knew how cute when she sleep" said Chase quietly but realize what he said "What am I saying, I can't like Skye oh ready we just met but she just daun cute and soo.. No i can't like her or can i?" As Chase keep talking to himself, Skye finally woke up and saw Chase was up

"Good moring Chase" said Skye

"Oh, Good moring Skye how was your sleep?" said Chase, while realize he ask a dumb question

"I slept good, Thank for leting me sleep with you" said Skye with a smile on her face

( Blushing Hard ) "Oh no problem" said Chase

( Chase Thought ) "Oh man, I'm Falling in Love with her and we just met each other yesterday Maybe this was our destiny to meet each other and fall in love because it working on me falling in love with her"

"Umm.. Chase, Are you ok" said Skye, as Skye snap Chase from his Thought

"Huh?" Said Chase

"I said, are you ok" said Skye

"Of course, Why did you ask?" Said Chase with confuse face

"Well.." said Skye, but got cut off by Ryder

"Pups, breakfast time" said Ryder

"I'll tell you later" said Skye

"Ok" said Chase, as they both ran inside the lookout

"Here you go pups, Breakfast is served" said Ryder, as he put the Bowls down

"Ryder, Where my bowl?" Said Skye

"I'm sorry Skye but we don't have enough bowl" said Ryder, while look at Skye as she put a sad face but then

"Here you go Skye, you can have the rest of my dog food" said Chase, as he puss the bowl next to Skye

"Really" said Skye with a shock face

"Of course Skye besides I'm not that hungry" said Chase

"Thank you Chase" said Skye, as she link his cheek and make him blush

"N-No problem Skye" said Chase, as Skye started to eat the rest of Chase dog food

The other Pups saw Skye link Chase cheek and how Chase treat Skye and that make the other pups jealous, As they done eating there food Chase were about to go too his pup house but got stop by Skye

"Chase, Chase" said Skye, as she approach

"What is it Skye?" Said Chase

"I just want to know, If you want to play with me" said Skye

"Sure, We can go too the pup park" said Chase

"Good idea Chase" said Skye

"Let me just tell Ryder" said Chase

"Ok" said Skye, as Chase went running to look for Ryder

Rocky P.O.V
As Chase went looking for Ryder, I notice Skyy were all alone and this can be my chance to play with her so i walk up to Skye and spoke "Hey Skye, What are you doing outside all alone" said Rocky, but know why "Oh hi Rocky, I'm just here waiting for Chase to come back" said Skye "Why do you went to play with Chase, ascend you can play with me" said Rocky with a mean voice "Well Umm.." said Skye but got noting to say "Hey Skye, Do you went to play with me" said Marshall, as he came out of nowhere "No, play with me Skye" said Rubble, as he run to them "No Me" said Zuma, as he did the same thing as Rubble "Well Umm.." said Skye with a nervous tone

"Hey Skye, Ryder said..." said Chase, as he saw the pups bothering Skye

Chase P.O.V
As I keep watching the pups bothering Skye, Skye started to get scared so I ran to them and jump in font of Skye and said "Hey, Stop bothering Skye" said Chase with a angry voice "Why, don't you make us" said Marshall, as Chase growls at them "Ok, ok jeez" said Rubble, As the pups walk away from them

( Chase Turn Around ) "Are you ok Skye, Did they hurt you" said Chase

"Ya, I'm ok thank for the save Chase" said Skye, as she put a smile

"Anytime Skye" said Chase with a smile

( Skye Thought ) "Wow, I never knew how Brave and nice Chase is, I think I'm in love"

"Oh I'm almost forgot, Ryder say that we can go to the pup park but we need to back before lunch" said Chase

( Snap Skye Thought ) "Oh ok, Then let go" said Skye, while running to the pup park with Chase

As Chase and Skye arrived at the pup park, They started to play tag with each other

"A/N Why was the pups wanted to play with Skye, And Does Skye have feeling for Chase when he save her the other pups? Find Out Next Time On Fighting For Skye Heart"

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