Chapter 8 - The Joust

Start from the beginning

I fall in behind a family chattering about the tournament.

"Oh Thomas, you know as well as I that you are more than capable of beating every other competitor out there! You've been practicing your whole life for this and I know you'll do us all proud..."

"Thank you mother, I only hope I live up to your expectations"

"You already have son" says his father and he embraces him in a big bear hug and ruffles his hair.

My god they're like a picture perfect family and my heart aches just listening to them.

It makes me miss everyone back home. What if I never see them again...the thought hurts me too much and I push it away so I don't have to think about it.

An enticing smell catches my attention and I spot several rotating hogs on spits being cooked over roaring flames, people are laughing and smiling and generally having a good time.

I relax and decide that I'm going to enjoy myself and let things happen – If I'm here for a purpose then I'm sure something will happen sooner or later.

I wonder past a cluster of large tents with various coats of arms emblazoned on the sides and a blacksmith hammering away at some armour on his huge Iron Anvil.

Men dressed in Chain Mail and heavy armour are being suited by their squires and horses are being groomed to within an inch of their lives.

The crowds seem to be gravitating toward the opposite end of the field I'm in so I follow the footfall and attempt to blend in as best I can.

A large wooden seating area is visible in the distance and I make my way toward it more out of curiosity than anything else.

A loud chorus of trumpeting begins which I assume is announcing the start of the Jousting; the crowd goes wild and starts jostling to find the best places to stand and watch from a safe distance.

I try to catch a glimpse of the action but I'm so far from the front that I don't stand a chance; just as I'm about to give up and try to find somewhere else I feel a hand on my waist.

I whip around to find a bedraggled man who reeks of alcohol and tobacco, he smiles at me with blackened and rotten teeth.

I try to pull away but it only spurs him on as he tries to pull me closer.

"Take your hands off of me!" I shout but amongst all the noise of the tournament no one has even noticed our struggle.

"Don't worry woman, I'll make sure you're taken care of..." he breathes in my face and I gag with the stench.

He starts to drag me away from the crowd and I panic – he's much stronger than me and seems to know exactly where's he's going.

I realise with horror that he's starting to drag me around the back of one of the large tents where no one would even see us – even if I screamed for help no one would hear me above the racket.

"Let me Go!" I scream automatically and struggle to get away from him.
He roughly spins me around in his arms, disorientating me momentarily before forcing me forward over a table.

I struggle against him, trying to break free. He has both hands held painfully behind my back and it makes fighting back almost impossible.

Before I know what's happening the man freezes and I panic thinking he has some worse punishment in store for me.

"I believe the lady told you to let her go." I suck in a shocked breath as I realise that someone has found us and is rescuing me.

The words hang in the air, like gravity has been temporarily suspended and I feel a familiar tingle sweep its way up my spine.

The Accidental Countess (Forever His Series Book one)Where stories live. Discover now