Chapter 82 : "Snatched"

Start from the beginning

"Come on! We gotto go!"


Salma sniffed slightly as she rested her aching head against the raised plate-form. Her eyes were puffy and her was mind all over the place. She was still in the process of recovering from the shock and trauma Of Zayn's mock suicide attempt. Through her half closed lids, she kept a wary eye on the dark haired monster, not wanting to be caught off guard should he try anything again.

Zayn had been sitting wordlessly next to the door for the past fifteen minutes. He looked drained, exhausted even. With his head hung low and eyes downcast, he maintained his silence letting her be, but he neither left the roof himself, nor gave her the reassurance that he would let her leave if she decided to. Salma dreaded his opposition to her attempts to escape and decided it was best to not provoke him until as long as was necessary.

She drew in a shaky breath, closing her eyes for just a moment. As the silence between them stretched, she got the small window she desperately needed to clear her head. There was only one thing that she knew she had to do; get away from this seclusion with Zayn before Asim arrives.

As if on cue, her phone rang in her pocket making Salma jump in alarm.

Her heart sank when she saw Asim's name flash across the screen. On reflex, she silenced the call and turned to Zayn. Zayn did not shift from his position. He either did not hear the call, or he ignored it all together.

Salma turned to her phone when it started ringing again. Once more, she tapped the screen to silence it. Her heart started racing in her chest as she tried to ascertain her next move. Salma was scared to talk to her brother when she knew he would be able to detect the panic in her voice. She decided to text him instead but Asim beat her to it.

*Asim: Don't tell me your phone is on silent again >:(

*Asim: I just got gas and am on my way. I'll be picking you at the front of your department in ten mins.

Salma's heart sank reading his text. She threw another worried glance to the dark haired boy. He had not move even once. Swallowing, Salma typed a reply to her brother. She realized her fingers were trembling, and she started taking in deep breaths to calm down. If Asim was on his way, she had less than ten minutes to not only get out of the this dodgy place, but also calm down enough not to arouse his suspicion.

*Salma: Ok

She sent the message when she realized her text was too bland and short. This is not how she composed a text when she was normal self. Even with a simple 'okay' she would add an emoji.

*Salma: Take a chill pill. I'm the one who got late because of you *rolleyes*

Making sure Zayn was still seated where he was earlier, Salma stuffed her phone back in her pocket, drew in a deep breath and stood up.

Her head swam, making her grab the side of the raised platform to steady herself. Her heart skipped a beat when Zayn's eyes snapped in her direction, the moment she rose to her feet. She forced herself to stay calm and avoided meeting his gaze.

He kept quiet, closely following her movements with his eyes. It was only when she headed towards the door that he broke his silence.

"What're you doing?"

A perfect retort sprang in Salma's mind but she chose to not answer.

"I asked you something?" he demanded and she lost it at his bossy, controlling tone.

"Would have said hell," Salma snapped sharply, taking him by surprise, "But obviously that's a place reserved for the likes of you!"

Zayn stared at her silently before turning back to gazing at the floor.

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