Chapter One

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(Author note: This is a draft, sorry for any typos! ;D Enjoy!)

Okay, so, for any newcomers: know that this is a total draft. There will be a crap ton of changes in the future, so if you feel the writing is too sloppy, still keep it in mind because I WILL edit everything to the point where it could be different. Thank you, and hopefully you will enjoy it!

Part One: The Breaking Point

This is dedicated to Elizabeth Collins and Lyric Cook, for being abducted in Iowa so many years ago...

A breeze touched my skin. It was the middle of the summer. The sunset was slowly drifting, right above the horizon.

Walking along the sidewalk, it was an absolutely beautiful day. But I was exhausted from being at the lake that evening. My friends had already left, but I wanted to stay for some alone time for myself. Jesus, I'm pathetic.

And now I'm present, walking down a pathway I've never took before.

I've never seen a walk like this, old and mossy. The air screamed nineteen-eighties, which was odd because it seemed so prehistoric.
I heard something behind me, like the crackle of rocks. I turned, making out the figure. Tall. Definitely a man.
He continued walking, which made me shiver. Something was wrong.
He almost sprinted in the distance. I stopped. I'm pretty sure he needed help.

"Excuse me? Is something wrong?" I asked, walking towards him. He stopped only a few yards away. He smiled. I gave him a confused look, since awkward situations were never my thing.

"Sir, are you alright?" I asked once more. Something dangled behind his back, bouncing back and forth. I tried identifying it as some sort of rope.
Was he going to hang himself?
"Hello?" I did a shuffle towards him. He backed up, then whipped out a gun from behind him. I gasped, taking a couple steps backward before almost tripping.

"Young lady," The man began,"Listen to me."

I backed away again, quickly as possible.
Soon I transformed into a dash, turning away from the pathway, into the forest. I heard the crunching of leaves, turning back to see the man still jogging. I sprinted, trying to find my way through. Then, only a few hundred feet in front of me, there was another man.

"Pretty little girl, stay put!" The man behind me growled.

The same guy?

"Please, take my money, I don't care!" I yelled, letting my bag dangle from my shaking fingers. The man in front of me shook his head.

"We don't want your money," He laughed. The laughter seemed to echo through the trees. Suddenly, I felt small breaths on my shoulder. I cringed as a knife trailed down my skin. It left a small cut dripping with blood.
Then, a hand wrapped around my mouth as my brain told me: Scream. Run. Do something. Please, Alana, please. So I did.

I screamed, kicking and thrashing. I felt the man loosen up, feeling triumphant as I was almost loose. But the other man sprinted up towards me, slapping me against the cheek.
"Cooperate, or you're dead."
I started crying.

This was never supposed to happen. This is what happens to bad people, not people like me.

The man brought me down to the ground, hitting my head against a rock. It throbbed as I winced.

"Shhh... this won't hurt," he whispered.

"What do you want? I swear I won't tell if you just..." I panted, crying,"Let me go."

"She's mine!" Another man ordered, interrupting my pleas.
I became exhausted as I saw black and blue blotches. The men began arguing as I laid there, watching helplessly.

"Fine... she's yours," The other man finally agreed after what seemed to be hours. He reached down towards me.
"Ple- please, sir..." I said groggily.
Then, the cloth. It tickled my nose as it was planted on my lips, as horrible smell came from it then all went black. I could still feel, hear, and smell... But it was as if I was paralyzed.


I woke up. It was black, but just by a feeling, I could tell I wasn't in my room.
It was warm. My vision started to clear, and I soon realized everything was visible. I scanned the room for a light source. I found a switch across the small room, only a few feet away from were my legs were. I tried continuously to stand, but kept falling from the pain on my side. I groaned after being successful on the last try. I stood up and balanced with my hands on the wall, feeling for the light switch. my hands were numb, and my head nauseous. I finally found the switch, flipping it on with some force.

The lights went on, blinding me for a moment.

I looked around the room, and was really shocked. The room was entirely pink. I think the best thing was that I was alone.

It almost looked demolished. Some of the pink was slowly tearing itself apart from the walls. The bed looked awfully dirty, as if it needed a good cleanse. I laughed a little bit at the time my mom-

My mom. My dad. My brother Collin.

I almost held it in. I really did. But then I pushed myself to the floor. I put my hands on my face to cover up the tears as I bowed my head. How could this happen to me?

Why did I take that stupid path?

I screamed. This was too scary, I need out.

The door.

I looked around for the door. I found it, a perfect creamy, white. The doorknob was golden, shining in the light. I ran towards it, even though it wasn't necessary. I had no faith that'd it be unlocked.

I tried to open it, but it was locked from the outside. I started banging the door, screaming as hard and loud as possible.
Then the doorknob twisted and opened, shocking me. It yanked open towards me, hitting my forehead against the edge of the door and suddenly I blacked out again.

It almost seemed ironic. I never black out.

Not until all this happened.

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