Our Sincere Condolences

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I had just seen the news and newsfeed all over social media about the incident that had happened.

I am truly shocked to see more and more of these events happening. It is absolutely disgusting.

I truly hope that those who were affected by it, will hold on and won't let the pain consume them. To any of the community that resides or was visiting Manchester when this happened, I truly hope that you're all alright.

And to those that have lost or have been lost. I can only wish you find your peace.

As I have read, the event was a terror attack and apparently ISIS had taken responsibility. I'm not sure how truthful this is, but with that being said, I'd like to just state a few words.

Not all muslims are terrorists and are part of ISIS. I've already seen the hateful comments people have made to random Muslim men and woman.

I understand that their hearts are aching but rightfully accuse the offender instead of accusing everyone.

Terrorists aren't just Muslim either, all over the world at this moment are terror attacks and with that being said, it's coming from people all over the world.

No, this message is not here to defend a certain race or religion. I have just seen the horrendous things people have been saying to one another over this event.

It's not alright to blame an entire race/religion because the offender happened to be apart of that.

And no, this message is not just for Manchester victims.

This is here for the entire world. For the events that happen that are silenced. For the terror attacks that don't get brought up. For the events that occur in this world that have nothing to do with a terror attack and that too gets silenced.

Every life lost and every event that takes lives matter. I don't know what happens around the world. I can only imagine that these tragic events are happening all over the world.

It's sad but we are supposed to stand together in this time instead of breaking apart.

I can stand here ashamed to know that some of my friends are blaming the entire Muslim population for one event and then the Nigerian population for another.

I am not Muslim nor do I know the ins and outs of them, so I have no right to accuse the entire population for one event.

Even as I sit in my bedroom today, thinking about the terrible events occurring around the world, I can't help but think about what is happening to my own home as we are now labeled as a danger zone with our severe drought.

Even as our farmers are being slaughtered daily, even as the Afrikaans are threatened every day.

Even as I sit here, being "white" and having a "black" sister, I do not hate her, nor do I wish horrendous events on her.

Even as the rainbow nation is being pulled apart by certain people around the word for being racist, I stand united with my friends and family who are from different races.

That being said, each and every place on this earth has struggles that other nations around the world have no idea about.

So I just want each and everyone one of you to know that you are all so special, all so unique. That pain like this won't pull you down, won't break you apart.

We are to stand together and united as others try and break us apart.

I sincerely hope that each and every one of you are fine and that you are healed from any pain that is being cast upon you.

Thank you.

- The Community

(Hate comments and any jibes being made to one another will be deleted)

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