Chapter 5: School Grounds

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The party will start in 3, 2, 1...

Suddenly the bell rang. (as planned)

"There's our cue." I told Uly.

We walked through the corridors as the students went to their classes.

"Wait, wait I think it's Becky!" Uly shouted with delight.

"Becky, Becky, I'm here!" Uly tried to hug Becky but Jariff took her by the hand and led her inside the janitor's room. Uly and I followed them inside.

"Hey babe. Now that we're alone.." Jariff cornered Becky all of the sudden.

"Ugh Jariff. Could you chill off? I still love Ulysses, not you. Try to suck that in will ya?" Becky pushed Jariff from grappling her.

We were observing the both of them. Uly was so happy that he kept on smiling. (now I feel jealous)

"Did you see that? Did you see what she did to Jariff? She busted him. Yeah! That's my girl!" he kept jumping.

"Yeah, you know, can we just find your stupid body and just let it go?" I went to the lockers without him and looked for locker number "16".

"Bingo, this was easy." I opened the locker and saw Uly's burnt body.

"Maybe Jariff burned his body. Damn him!" I cursed under my breath.

I saw Uly's things when he was alive. He has a picture of Becky sticking to the back of his locker, the picture of them on Valentine's Day, their picture on Halloween, and their picture on Christmas, kissing under the mistletoe. I saw Uly's diary. Then I also saw Becky's notebook where she keeps her drawing of hearts and "I love you Uly" papers. (that weirded me out)

"Wow, she's really special in his eyes. He was just playing me in Heaven. I was right, no guy will ever like me." I cursed myself after what I saw.


"Zai, Zai, Zai! Where are you? I'm sorry!" Uly keeps on shouting.

He found me staring at his love letters to Becky, teary-eyed, after what I saw and heard. Suddenly he ran towards my direction and hugs me tightly. So tight that I can't even breathe.

"I've been searching the entire schoolgrounds! Do you even realize that? Look at me! Do you even realize that there's someone who cares if you're gone?" he keeps on shouting at my face. He's like my big brother. Then he saw me looking at his old stuff.

"Um, hey! You've got some nice stuff. She must be really important right? Oh I found your body, it's hiding at the back of those 'I love Becky' notes." I can't hold it anymore, so I cried right infront of him and ran to the bathroom.

"Hey Zai!" he called my name. Then he realized that I need some space for a while, so he checked the things on his locker.

He recalled those sweet memories, the "I love you"s , and their remarkable kisses. He thought long and smiled, and then realized that he needs to find his missing body, he saw it behind the sticky notepad. The body had a note from Jariff saying:

My Hatest Man,

How's your stone-cold body? Or better not, how's your wandering soul? I know you will read this someday. I believe in ghosts. Anyways, why did I kill you? Because Becky's dad told me so! Yeah, your "girlfriend's dad" doesn't like you. That's why he went to me saying, "You must kill that bastard! If you do that, you can have my daughter as your reward." without telling Becky. And Becky doesn't know your dead.

Hope to see you rot in Hell! Anyway, it fits you and your crappy shit! Adios amigo, Becky is mine!


Jariff De Ablo

Suddenly I heard Uly cry infront of his locker. I walked out of the girl's loo without any hesitation and find my friend in need. I thought he forgot about me and walked away, instead he cried infront of his locker. I found him at the stairs, he was sobbing that hard, like he was punched in the stomach again. I felt the urge of touching him, comforting him again. I sat beside him and we stared for a long while.

"Okay, tell me, don't try to lie cuz I can feel it in your eyes if you're telling the truth or not. Who made you this blue?" I asked while I'm comforting him.

He showed me the letter from Jariff, staring blankly at me. I can't move a muscle. I was speechless upon reading the next words. I really pity him. He was killed in exchange for a girlfriend. That man "Jariff" seems to be bad.

"Well Uly, what do you want me to do to make you smile again?" I forced myself to smile, letting him know despite how hurt I am in the inside, and my tears kept going on, I smiled because I care for him, even if loving him won't make him love me back.

"Kiss me." he ordered me like if he was the boss.

"What! Why?!" I was really shocked about it. (first he broke my heart, now he wants to kiss me? Seriously?)

"I want to forget everything." he sinks his lips in mine. I can feel this "zing" that tingles me through my hands. The kiss was really long and I have to pull back because I ran out of air.

"What's the matter? If you're thinking about 'awhile ago' don't let that affect you. I was really happy because she was faithful. But thanks to you, and this feeling, I kinda forgot about me and Becky. Anyway his father hated me. Please let's start over. I want us to be together. Trust me in this will ya? So can we pretend it from the start?" he hopefully asks.

"Where do you want to start over? The 'kiss' or the 'forget-about-Becky plan'?" I asked him to be sure.

He first looked at my eyes with happiness and then delivered his final answer.

"Both." he grabs me close and seals in for a soft kiss.

He pulls me in for a deeper experience. He locks his hands between my auburn hair. I tried pulling away but he follows to where my lips go. After that wonderful kiss, he hugged me tightly again, saying "thank you for believing me". I really enjoyed it. His kiss was perfect. He was perfect. Everything seems perfect.


>Author's Note:

Hey guys! How's the 5th chapter? I've added a little love on the paradise just to chill things up. I hope you find it amusing. Anyways, please vote my story or follow me. Loved it so much if you would do both. Updating soon, stay tuned :)

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