Chapter 4: The Special Task

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Then a flash of light disrupted our conversation..

"I'm sorry to disturb you both. Zai you were very brave to do such thing." I heard a soothing voice, we turned around and saw Him.

"Oh, um. Your grace!" I didn't know what to do, so I bowed down with all my greatest respect.

"Stop it Zai. You're making Uly blush. It's alright, no more bows from now on." I agreed to Him and looked at Uly. Uly stood there hiding his face and he keeps on grinning.

"So what do you think Zai?" God asked me.

"It's like paradise. My Lord, thank you for giving me a wonderful life on Earth." I hugged Jesus tightly.

"You're welcome. Ulysses, I want you to take good care of Zai for me, she's one of the best creations I've ever made. Take her to a tour on this paradise. After the tour, I want you to bring her back to me. I've got a special task for the both of you." we both agreed.

"Hey Zai, you ready for the tour?" I nodded.

"But before we start, I want you to look good. I'll treat you to some new clothes." he gave me a white dress with matching white shoes and a white clip. Then he took a necklace out of his pocket.

"Wear this special necklace I will give you. It will remind you of me when you feel scared. Because I will always be here for you, no matter what." he says it while he puts it on for me.

"Oh Uly, you're so sweet!" I gave Uly a kiss on the cheek and he looked at me shockingly.

"Hey, what was that for?" he said while his eyes glimmered in the bright sky.

"It's just a 'thank you kiss'. Just chill." I told him while blushing.

"Well it never bothered me anyway, fooled ya!" he laughed loudly. After his speech I punched him so hard at his stomach and he gave a shout of defeat.

"What was that for?" he asked while crying.

"Oh now the baby's crying. You're such a coward!" After my speech, I looked deeply into his eyes and I can see that he was really hurt physically and psychologically. I hugged him tightly and tried calming him down.

"Wow, I never knew my punch had its own power. I'm sorry, it's just that, you were really affected." I keep rubbing his stomach.

"Before, when I was young, I was really adored by many girls. And this certain girl, Becky, was the girl I really liked. She liked me too. But then again, someone has a crush on her, Jariff, and he's really jealous of me cuz I was the one Becky likes. So as I was going home, he decided to follow me and then started punching me hard. He clobbered me in the stomach until it was my last." he cried hard after hearing those words.

"After I was left busted on the road, he spitted on me and said 'You're such a coward! You don't know how to fight back! And Becky is mine now!' and that's how I died. My parents and friends never knew where my body is. They posted many flyers on the walls saying 'Missing Ulysses'. I'm not sure if they found me yet. Please never tell anyone this secret. Only God and us knows about this." I was teary-eyed hearing Uly's life story.

"Um hey Uly, it's alright. At least you didn't comitted that mistake. I promise to never hurt you again. We're friends and I like it that way." I gave Uly a kiss on his cheek to cheer him up, at the same time rubbing his aching stomach. This time, it was soft and warm.

"Thanks. And Zai, I'm really happy when you give me your soft kisses. It tingles me in the inside. It's like love medicine, it feels better already!" he pulls me into a hug, a very tight one too.

"I'm glad I've met you." he kissed me on the cheek. A "zing" kept tingling me on the inside and I just held it in, while I looked like a crushed tomato.

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