Chapter 8: Payback Time

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After those words, I've followed Uly to get his body and then we carried it to his former classroom. There we placed the body on the teacher's table with the letter Uly made out using telepathy (amazing right?). He placed the letter beneath the body's hand and then we hid behind the chairs, this time, making sure there was no debris or papers that would fly away and make a sound while we were crouching.

Jariff's POV

"I can't believe that Ulysses is still here! I thought he would be gone to hell about days ago!" I shouted angrily, making people stare weirdly at me.

"It's suppose to be 40 days of stay genius! Hahahahahaha!" My crew mate butted in. Suddenly my squad started laughing, with a wave of my hand, they stopped except for the one who made the joke.

"What did you say?" I approached him slowly, cracking my fingers one by one. He spaced out and got nervous, every sound of the cracks got him shaking, and by the time I was close, he looked down, shivered and breathed heavily.

"Oh so you're expecting it..." I raised my hand slowly, and gave a face-bruising slap. He fell down, knees shaking and hands cupping his cheek. He was groaning with pain and you can see droplets of tears falling down from his face. He looked at me, terrified, unable to speak at that moment, then suddenly he ran away like a coward.

"Don't you ever do that again understand?! Do it again and I . will . kill . you!" I shouted at that coward while massaging my hand. I looked at my squad with much fear in their eyes and they decided not to look at me directly.

"Anyone wants a piece?!" I asked sternly receiving 'no Jariff' as a reply. "Good, let's celebrate, I've got pizza on the house!" And everyone gave hi-fives at me.

Suddenly, the school bell rang and most of the students are going back to their classrooms for their next set of classes.

"Aaah and I just took them out! Come on boys, we'll finish this first before it gets cold." We stayed until we were the only ones left at the cafeteria. A janitor walked passed us and said to leave for our classes and I said "fuck off!" And he walked away without saying a word. After we were done, we walked back to our classroom in a relaxed way (since we wanna be late for class) and then noticed some people were looking at me in a horrible way. As we got nearer to our classroom, the more crowded the hallways get.

"What happened to you dorks? Mind your own business!" I shouted while they keep on staring at us. As we walked in our classroom we saw two police officers inspecting the body, sitting on the table next to our Math teacher that looks pale when she saw me, and then a fat policeman walked up to me and asked me to go with them.

"I'm arrested for murder?! Now what did I do wrong?!" I shouted as me and my gang were being dragged into the police vehicle, then we drove away silently, looking at the crying coward standing near the gate that I slapped earlier.

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