5 - A Whole New World

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Well holy crow. KAORI IS BACK YOU ARE WELCOME DEAR READERS!!! *cue smug smirk*

Question: If you could bend, what element would you pick?



  I leaned back from the mover, a wierd bubbly feeling in my stomach. From what I had just seen I could confirm that my friends knew it wasnt me with them, but a different girl who looked almost exactly like me. How could I tell? Well, for starters I think kissing your sister was illegal in a couple nations.

  Yep, you heard right. Aang totally kissed the new girl. The not me. Boy let me say I gagged when I watched it. Who knew Aang had moves like that though?

  My big bro is finally growing up! (cue the teary eyes) After a century of being a complete child its good to see him acting his age. What where we now, thirteen? Fourteen? It was sort of hard to keep track of our ages when we were juggling supreme power, my death--life?--and potential romances. Little details often got pushed into the back of my mind inside the vault in my head, never to be seen again.

  Well, the vault in my head was full already before I. . .died. . .so adding 'travelled to a different world' on top of that was pushing the limits of what I could hold. It felt like all my thoughts were about to burst. But I didnt have time for that now, I had to figure more about this new world and the people I was with.

  "Heeeyyy. . .mister. . .do you have any scrolls and ink I can use to write?" I asked hesitantly.

  I didnt really know his name, so mister was the best thing I could think of at the moment. Even though the dark haired boy looked only a little older than me by a couple years.

  He stared at me for a really long time before putting his hand on my forehead. "You okay? You're talking really weird."

  I pushed his hand down and sent him a glare. "Scroll and ink," I enunciated. "Do. You. Have. Any?" Every word was slow and careful so he could understand me better. It wasnt too hard to understand to get me something to write with.

  He nodded slowly and patted the top of my head like I was a child. "Sure, whatever you say. I'll be right back with that."

  He left the room and I stood up from the mover. It was showing what the boy called 'ads' now. Apparently they were very annoying and took away time from the 'shows' as he had repeated ten times.

  Now that he was gone I had freedom to move around and get a better grip on where I was. I walked over to the door and put my hand on the knob. Was it too childish to say I was scared of leaving the house?

  But I needed to find out more about where I was if I was going to have any chance of getting back home. With my new resolve, I twisted the knob and pushed the door open.

  Big, metal things on wheels sped by. It seemed like there were a lot of them going back and forth. How did they not hit each other? From the looks of it I decided they were ships like the firenation used, but these were for land. I had only ever seen metal things like these from the firenation, so this must be their doing.

  After a couple of seconds of standing and staring at the metal ships I decided to go back inside. I couldnt take the risk of getting hit by one.

  I made my way through the house and saw the boy standing by the couch with a worried expression on his face.

  "Umm. . .excuse me, do you have my scroll and ink yet?"

  He turned and relief filled his expression. "Oh thank god, I thought you somehow dissapeared again."

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