4 - Cave of Two Crushes

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The last chapter was a small cliffy for you all, but this one should make everyone calm down a bit and relax......hopefully. ;)

BTW it would be an awesome idea to check out the YouTube video I have above! Let's just say I'm not satisfied with watching it only once. :D


Behind us the sound of the wall crumbling down was immense. I covered my ear with my free hand, the other still holding Aang's hand. A blush crept it's way up my face. We all stopped and looked back as the last of the light left us and we were left in pitch black except for a single dim glow.

In his hands, Sokka had a torch. A freaking wooden stick on fire. It seemed pretty wierd that he wouldnt just use a flashlight instead. Didn't he bring a flashlight or something? Maybe the batteries just ran out or something. Katara was the first to speak.

"Why the heck do you have a torch?!" Her hands were flailing dramatically around and her face looked incredulous.

Sokka shrugged and pulled a backpack off of Appa, who was busy being pet by all of the hippies. Then he dumped the contents onto the dirt ground, about six torches in all and a big bag of dried meat. Quickly he knelt to the ground and slowly took all of the dried meat back in the bag. "That's mine. You guys can have the torches."

Everybody took torches, Katara took one, Sokka took one, the hippies took two and Aang grabbed two and tucked the other in the sash on his pants. Everybody used Sokkas torch to light one up.

"Okay each torch lasts for half an hour and everyone should have one hour each in torches." We all nodded in understanding. "We will all split up to find a path to get out and when we find the way out we come back to find everyone else."

"Sounds like a good plan, but how exactly will we find the people still trapped in the caves?" Katana said.

Sokka put a hand on his chin. "Well I will find an earthbender who can help."

Everyone stepped closer in a sort of circle shape and Aang spoke up. "So....who is splitting up with who?"

Immediately all of us where shouting out names and people. "I'll take Skye." Aang said raising his hand. Too bad it was the hand holding mine, and not the one holding the torch. Our entwined fingers were put up for all to see, and the blush on my face now rivaled the one I had before. We quickly let go of each other and put our hands at our sides.

"Not akward. Not akward at all."

The sarcasm on the comment made me send a small glare at the person who muttered it under their breath.

"Katara and me can stick together." Sokka said. The hippies pulled each other close and started humming. With the fire light on their faces it looked pretty creepy. Oookkaaaay I guess we figured out who was going with who now.

We all stepped back and waved a quick goodbye at each other. A rumbling sound made us all stop in our tracks. Did the fire nation actually decide to come back and get us?

No the sound was coming from overhead not the opening of the tunnel. I jumped back and Aang bended himself away, Katara, Sokka, and the rest of the group all backed up too as the ceiling collapsed between us.

After the dust settled I realized three fundamental truths at the exact same time. 1. The fire nation was not coming to get us. 2. There was a giant rock wall between us and it was so thick that none of us were going to get through. 3. I was stuck in a cave, known for getting lost and dying in, and I was stuck in it with my crush.

We could hear Sokka and the others yelling from behind the massive rock wall that had fallen between us. "Are you guys okay?" His muffled voice spoke.

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