Reily Davis - We're Together

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Written by -CaptainObvious-

"Are you sure about this Riley? What if they don't like me?" I asked, hugging my arms self consciously. A smile appeared on her face as she took my hand in hers "You have nothing to worry about Y/n, if my mum loves you then they will love you too". I remained silent for a while before sighing "I know, but I just feel a bit...out of place. You can hack almost anything, This MacGyver guy can make anything out of everything and Jack is ex-CIA...and I'm just me, I'm nothing special" I stated, looking down at my shoes.  A sudden pair of arms wrapped around my body before pulling me close "Y/n, I'm being serious. You have nothing to worry about, they might be a bit surprised since I haven't told them, but they'll love you. Don't worry" Riley whispered, before pulling away and taking my hand in hers again. I smiled and leaned forward, kissing her cheek in thanks "Thank you Riley, that makes me feel much better" "No problem" she responded before leading me inside the Phoenix building. 

I gazed around the building in awe as Riley lead me through a large maze of hallways. I felt like an idiot, gawking at all of the technology. This was a government facility after all, I probably wasn't supposed to be here, but after confirmation from the director Maddie Webber, I was allowed in under the condition I don't speak about anything I've seen here today. 

Riley lead me over to a large room with frosted glass covering the windows. I started to feel nervous again, since I stopped abruptly and let my hand slip out of Riley's. She spun around and offered me a small smile "C'mon, you'll be fine" she encouraged. I took in a deep breath and nodded my head, before following her through the door.  As soon as I stepped foot inside the room, I spotted two men and a small woman standing around talking to each other. One man wore a leather jacket and had short blond hair, whilst the other wore a black t-shirt and black pants. The woman wore a black and white striped shirt and she had long brown hair. "Hey Riley...who's this?" The older man asked, folding his arms across his chest.  Riley smiled "Jack, Mac, Maddie, this is my girlfriend/boyfriend Y/n L/n" she introduced. I smiled softly and waved "Hi everyone..." I mused quietly. There was a moment of silence, making my nerves increase. My body began to shake in fear as they stared at me, making me feel incredibly uncomfortable. "So you're the Y/n we've heard about, Maddie told us you'd be stopping by, it's good to finally put a face to a name" the blond man spoke, breaking the silence and walking over to me.  A small smile made its way into my face whilst a warm smile appeared on his "It's nice to meet you. You must be Angus MacGyver right?" "Yep, that's me-" MacGyver was interrupted suddenly as the second man pushed passed him and enveloped me in a tight hug. I was shocked at first, but hugged him back "You must be Jack?" I asked pulling away from him. The man nodded his head and placed his hands on my shoulders "Welcome to the family Y/n, Riley's lucky to have such a wonderful girl/guy like you" he spoke kindly with a large smile on his face. 

I smiled in return "Thank you, that means a lot to the both of us" Riley interrupted. The rest of the afternoon was spent getting to know everyone. MacGyver, Jack, Maddie Webber and a new acquaintance named Bozer were all very supportive in both Riley's and I's relationship, and I couldn't be any more happier.  ~~~~~~~~~  "See, I told you they'd love you" Riley teased after we had arrived home. I rolled my eyes and chuckled "Yeah, I know. I guess I was worried for nothing I joked. With a bright smile on her face, Riley leaned up and placed a small kiss to my lips "I love you..." she whispered. I smiled in response "I love you too...".

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