The End

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Hayeoung heard mina’s scream through the door, he started to hit the door with his hand

Eunho turned around and looked at the door behind him in anger, mina used her the rest strength she had and pushed eunho away

“Chaeyoung save mee!” she yelled

Chaeyoung widened his eyes as he heard mina’s voice while eunho backhugged her and dragged her away

Chaeyoung threw the flower bouquet away and started to type different numbers on the door’s password, he birthday, her debut day nothing worked

“My birthday?” he said and typed 0423 the sound of the door made him sigh in relief, he run inside and saw eunho on top of mina, the latter was with ripped dress, red marks over her chest and arm and eunho still didn’t rape her… chaeyoung kicked eunho away with his feet, while mina hugged her legs in fear as she rested her back on the wall and cried in fear

Chaeyoung punched eunho very hard making his lips bleed

Eunho spit the blood and wiped his lips “You came early, I didn’t get a chance to taste her”

“Son of a bitch!” chaeyoung kicked his thigh making eunho fall on the floor, chaeyoung sat on him and punchd him countless times… red,blue and blood covered eunho’s face to the point that he passed out

Chaeyoung got up and rubbed his right hand, then he heard mina’s cries coming from behind… he yelped and turned around

Slowly he walked to her and kneeled next to her…

His hands were shaking and his eyes were full of tears “did he?” he managed to ask

Mina looked at him, face soaked with the messy make-up mixed with tears, she shook her head and looked at his eyes

He gave her a sad smile and his shaking hand reached her cheek as he slowly caressed it with his thumb

Eunho groaned and slowly get up, he glared at chaeyoung and took the pocket knife that he always carries with him

He opened it and got up, slowly he walked to them

Mina noticed him and widened her eyes “chaeyoung watch out!” she yelled, chaeyoung didn’t hesitate to cover mina with his body as eunho yelled and stabbed chaeyoung on his right shoulder!

Eunho noticed what he did and the knife fell from his hand, chaeyoung got up and slapped eunho with his left hand as his right arm was full of blood

“Ahhhhh!” chaeyoung yelled as he kicked eunho’s face with his knee… eunho completely collapsed on the floor while chaeyoung was taking his breath, he pit on him and walked back to mina

“Your shoulder chaeyoung-ah” mina said

He kneeled in front of her and handed her his phone

“Call jeongyeon, tell him to call the police and the ambulance” he said and closed his eyes and frowned in pain

“wear something else” he said and lied on the floor

“chaeyoung you-“

“Mina go I am okay!” he said, mina got up she wore a random jeans and t-shirt after she called jeongyeon who freaked out through the phone, the idea of his friend being injured made him lose his mind, not too long passed when police men came with an ambulance

Chaeyoung was lying in the ambulance as mina was telling them what happened and they kept it secret form the media’s eyes that won’t leave them alone… they took eunho to the police station where he took his treatment.

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