Last night

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Erin Lindsay walked into the 21st. "Morning Platt," she said cheerfully as she buzzed herself up into the bullpen. Platt looked up from the magazine she was reading, "Morning detective," she replied and went back to her magazine. Erin was in such a good mood, but she probably didn't look as good as she felt as she hadn't got much sleep last night...

Detective Jay Halstead poked his head around the corner to see if anyone was watching, to his relief everyone else was at their desks doing paperwork. Thank God, they hadn't caught a case yet, if they had Voight would have for sure noticed he wasn't there. He emerged from behind the corner and ascended the remaining steps. Everyone but Lindsay looked up. "Hey guys," he said. At that moment Voight walked out of his office. "Halstead your late," he growled. "Sorry Sergeant," he apologised as he sped walked to his desk to catch up with his paperwork.

Erin looked up at Jay as he sat down. She smiled as he fumbled with all the papers piled on his desk. "He looked so cute when he was stressed," she thought to herself. "Stop it, Erin" she reprimanded herself, "it was a one time thing and isn't  going to happen again." But the thoughts of last night wouldn't go away. She quickly realised she was still staring at Jay, so she quickly lowered her gaze and pretended to be engrossed in her paperwork but not before Jay had seen her. She blushed violently and tried to concentrate on the papers in front of her.

Voight came out of his office waving a file, " 345 Westwood Grove , let's move it." Everyone grabbed their coats and jogged downstairs.


In the car, sirens blaring Erin was driving, following Hank. "So do you think we should talk ?" Jay asked turning to look at Erin. This was what she was afraid of...

So hey, I've just decided to start writing this because of the linstead shaped hole in my heart right now since we won't have an episode for months. Dunno if I'm going to continue. Comment below if you feel the same ☺️

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