The Beginning

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Picture of Aiden^^

"Hi! I'm Aubrey. I'm 17 years young. I just moved to Malibu, California from Lynchburg, Tennessee. My boyfriend, Well ex Aiden and I recently broke up due to him not wanting to do long distance. We were together for a year and 6 months. I live with my older sister that is 20. You see our parents died 2 and a half years ago while she was pregnant with my niece. Yes, I'm an aunt to the beautiful 2 year old Amelia Rose. Her dad left as soon as he found out about her existence. My sister took full responsibility for all 3 of us. We have more than enough money. Our parents were rich and left it all to us. I get keys to my own place they bought me in advance, when I turn 18. I'm excited! I went into depression when they passed away. They were shot in a bank robbery. However, with a lot of therapy sessions and the help of Aiden, I have learned to cope and get through it. My sister Ruby decided moving into our vacation home would be a change we need. So here we are. This is how it all started."

"Aiden don't do this! You don't mean that! You love me and we can get through this." He shakes his head and says to me, "No Bre we can't, It's over." I start to cry and ask him, "Why? Is there someone else? Is that why you don't want to fight for what we have?" He wipes my tears away and tells me, "No. There is no one else but you can't expect me to sit here and wait for you until you come back for summer vacation. I have needs you know." I look up at him shocked. "So this is about sex?! You're leaving me, so you can have sex whenever?! Damn Aiden. Way to tell me I'm not worth waiting for when I gave you my all." I say as I shake my head and start to walk away, closing my locker, but not before He grabs a hold of my wrist and pins me against the lockers. "I love you Aubrey! Damnit I do but I can't take being away from you that long. It's better this way. I'll always be here for you though." After he says that he smashes his lips against mine. When I don't kiss back he walks away angry. I run to the restroom and call Ruby. "Hello. Aubrey?! Are you okay?! You're crying. Is something wrong sis?!" She asks me. I nod realizing she can't see me and tell her, "Yes, but I want to come home. I want to leave as soon as possible. Aiden and I just broke up and I don't want to be here anymore. Why am I never good enough for those that I love?! They only leave me."...

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