Chapter 4.

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I was looking down into the salty water.

I saw the plane going down, me not in it.

We crashed and I was the only survivor from the wreckage.

Or so I thought.

Out of nowhere I was being lifted into the air by something.

I couldn’t move I felt paralyzed. My left leg wasn’t working and was in a serious amount of pain. I think I broke it in the crash. That or I was just over reacting.

I lied back on something soft. I looked up into the sun then sat up.

My eyes widened at who was around me.

“What happened?” I asked the blurry figures that scattered the area. My voice was sore and wasn’t working right.

“The plane…it crashed.” A boy holding onto a piece of luggage said.

My vision started to clear.

“Harry?” I whispered. He nodded. I looked around and saw three other boys in the water.

Louis, Niall and Liam. Where was Zayn?

“Are you alright Avery?” someone asked. The voice came from behind me. I realized I was sitting on someone floating on something.

I turned my head and saw the missing boy.

“No I’m not my leg…I think it’s broken or something.”

We stayed their floating on luggage and debris.

“What do you suppose we do now?” Niall asked.

“Find land.” Zayn said. I could feel his heart beat from the spot on his chest. A minute ago I had lied back down on him.

I saw Louis to my left. He climbed onto a suitcase then balanced himself out and looked around.

His eyes landed on Zayn and I. I could barely see him, but all I could tell was that he wasn’t sending a pretty look towards us.

I turned my head and looked to the right. The waves were going rougher and there was a storm coming. Beyond that I saw a patch of trees and where there were trees there was land.

“Look.” I said pointing to the place. The boys followed my finger and my gaze and Zayn sat up, me with him.

It was about 40 meters away and if we wanted to beat the storm then we would have to hurry.

“Come on.” Zayn said moving me so he could get off. “Let’s go mates.” He said grabbing a handle on the suitcase we both had been on. I gave him a weird look.

“One we’re probably going to need the things in here and two it’s not like you can swim so I suggest stay on.

I rolled my eyes, something I do a lot, at him.

The boys started swimming towards shore. We made it there past the waves and the thunder clouds after a bit of work.

I was lifted by Harry and put onto the sand.

My leg was on fire but I held in my emotions by biting my lip and digging my nails into the palm of my hand. My jaw was tight and clenched.

The boys and I were lying down on the sand breathing heavily. Pretty soon I fell asleep along with the other boys.

I woke up when I felt someone’s hand on my waist. I opened my eyes slowly.

I was met with Liam’s face. He looked peaceful when he slept. The hand belonged to him too.

Uncharted with One Direction (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now