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Reyansh Malhotra's P.O.V
I was so busy checking some Important files that I failed to notice the time. Shit. It's already 7:30. I quickly took my phone, my laptop and the files and started driving to reach my penthouse as soon as possible.

I took a shower in 5 minutes and changed into a business suit. I took my mobile and went to my parking lot to chose a car to drive. I chose one of my favourite car and reached the venue in about 15 minutes.

I went inside and started talking with some of my business associates but my eyes were waiting to just catch a glimpse of her. After talking for some time, I went near a bar to order something to drink. I sat down near the bar ordered whiskey.

"Omg! baby when did u come back to India? I missed you so much darling. I am so happy that your back. Now that your back I am not going to leave you alone and your going to enjoy each minute." Neha said seductively, biting her lower lip.

Oh god not again. I can't take this anymore.
"Actually Neha I am very busy as I just took over our company. So it would be so much better if you leave me alone. Excuse me." I excused myself and busied myself talking to some of the associates.
Ugh this girl is irritating me so much. It was just a one night stand. Why can't she get that through her thick skull. I can't tell her anything right now as she's my dad's friend's daughter and her dad is one of the board members.

My eyes suddenly met those beautiful familiar dark brown eyes. Oh god. She's looking so beautiful in that saree which perfectly showed all her sexy curves. I just want to take her and ravish her all night. I controlled myself and looked into her eyes.

I controlled myself and looked into her eyes. She was glaring dangerously and I was confused. Why is she so angry? What the fuck did I do again. Darn.
I was about to go and talk to her when I saw something which made my blood boil.

I fisted my hands and my jaw clenched. That bastard. What the fuck is he doing here. I will kill him today with my bare hands. Haw dare he touch what's mine. I tried to control my anger as I don't want to create any scene.
Vanya Kumar's P.O.V
Ugh why am I so nervous? This is not the first time I am going to meet him. My heart was running wildly and with shivering legs I walked inside.

I was searching for Maiyra and Dev when I saw him. He was busy talking with some woman and that woman was sticking to him like a leech. She was gorgeous with her hazel eyes and red hair, wearing a black gown which left nothing for imagination. I sighed and looked down at myself. I was not so beautiful with my normal dark brown eyes and brown/black curly hair.

They were looking so perfect and tears were brimming in my eyes but I promised myself that I am not gonna cry for him. I understood that I was nothing to him.
That women was holding his arm tightly and saying something in his ears. I glared at him dangerously.

Of Course what else can I expect from this man. I hate him. I hate him so much. Ugh.
He went away from there and turned around to lock his eyes with mine. Desire can clearly be seen in his eyes and there was another emotion which I didn't understand. A shiver ran down my spine and butterflies were dancing in my belly.

He then noticed me glaring at him and gave me a confused look as if he doesn't know why I was glaring at him.
Wow! Now he's acting innocently.

I turned away and was about to look for Maiyra when someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned back to see only to get the second biggest shock of my life. First one being the great Reyansh Malhotra himself.
"Hi Ajay!" I genuinely smiled.
"Omg vanya what a great surprise. I didn't expect to see you here!" He asked me cheerfully.
He was one of my best friends in college along with Maiyra and Dev.

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