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Vanya Kumar's P.O.V
Hyderabad, India 26th April 2017
Ugh! God my head is going to burst soon. Why did I work till late night. Sigh. Next time I have to complete my work on time so that I don't have to awake till midnight. Sigh. Even if I say like that I know I am going to be awake till midnight again to finish off my work.

I don't want to leave my bed and go to office but I don't have other choice. I have to go. Today our new boss is gonna come and we have to do preparations for the welcome party. Ugh.

Even though I am slightly curious to know who he is, I don't want to go to office today. I am tired and I want to sleep for some more time. Oh god.

I woke up reluctantly, brushed my teeth, freshened up and went to my closet to choose a dress for today.

I decided to wear a light blue formal shirt, white formal pants, took my coat, applied kohl to my eyes and lipgloss to my lips and left my naturally curly brown hair down. I took my mobile, purse and all my belongings and then I was ready to go.

"Hey vanya, good morning." Navya wished me.
"Hey good morning." I wished her back.
We both were having our breakfast when I breaker the silence.
"Navya you know our boss is going to retire and his son is going to handle the business from today." I told her.
"Oh wow! That's cool, at least your going to get rid of that old man." She replied me enthusiastically.
"I don't even know his name and I am slightly curious as to know who he is and to be honest no one knows who he is or how he looks." I said her.
"Oh okay." She frowned.
"Okay it's already 8. I think we should be leaving now or else we will be late." She said me.
"Hmm yeah come on let's go then." I replied her.
Reyansh Malhotra's P.O.V
I reached my office and sighed. Today is the first day of my office.
I entered inside the building and started waking towards the elevator.

"Good morning Mr. Malhotra." The receptionist at the front desk greeted me.
I just gave a nod.
People may think that I am rude and arrogant but this is me and I would like to keep my personal and professional life different. I know many people gossip and talk about me behind my back but I never gave damn. I would like if my employees would be hardworking and dedicated. I hate those people who just know how to waste their time by gossiping, creating rumours instead of doing any productive work.

I shook my head and entered inside my private elevator to reach my office which is In the 11th floor.
Ugh where is m coffee. I need my black coffee. First of all where the hell is my assistant God. I hate people who are not punctual.
People should understand that punctuality is very important.
I sighed and looked around for my assistant.
"Good morning Mr. Malhotra." My assistant Tracy Stewart greeted me panting.
I nodded and asked her for my coffee.
"Where the hell is my coffee Miss Stewart?" I asked her annoyed.
" sir, I will bring it right away." She replied me and ran off to the kitchen to bring my black coffee.
God! I went inside my cabin and took out my laptop to see if there any important mails to be sent.
When I was immersed in my work, suddenly my phone rang and I checked the caller id to see that it was my dad who was calling. I sighed and picked up the call.
"Hello dad?"
"Hi son. How is your new office? What are you doing right now? Is everything okay?" He inquired me.
"Yes dad everything Is fine." I replied him.
"Son I know what you are capable of and I am very proud of u. But I wanted to tell you that now you have become the CEO I want you to take up all the responsibilities and I want you to bring our company to number one position. Is that clear?
"Yes dad." I sighed and replied him.
"And also me and your mom want to see you as its been many years so fi kids all your works and visit us today at dinner time." He said me.
"Yeah fine. I will complete all the works as soon as possible and will visit you and mom." I replied him back.
"Okay son bye."
"Bye." I whispered

I continued doing my work when someone knocked on my door.
"Come in."
"Umm sir your black coffee and these are a few files which require your signatures." Miss Stewart told me.
"Hmm okay keep them on the table and you can leave." I replied her.
"Uh sir today u have a meeting with the kapoor's at 3pm and I already reserves your seats." She informed me.
"Alright." I replied her.
"You can leave now." I told her.
Vanya Kumar's P.O.V
I finally reached my office after 15 minutes and entered inside the tall building.
I smiled and greeted the receptionist and entered inside the elevator.

I work In the HR department along with my colleague and close friend Maiyra.
I reached my office cabin which is in the 6th floor.
I quickly drank my coffee and started doing my work. I don't want to be awake till 3 again to complete my work. I need my beauty sleep. Sleep is the only way I can escape from the reality. But even if I decide to complete my work now itself, I know I am not going to complete. Sigh. I am tired of my life.

There's nothing except waking up, going to work, eating food, chatting with navya and again repeating the same process. I became like a lifeless robot.

My thoughts drifted towards the new CEO who was going to come today. Who is he? Why does no one knows about him? How does he look? That's so weird. No one knows about him. We don't even know his full name for God's sake.
Even though I am slightly curious to know who is he, I am least interested to know about him.

Anyways we are going to see him tomorrow at the welcome party. But I wonder who he is?
Ugh! Leave about him you idiot and concentrate on your work. You have to complete it today. Uff okay.

I started completing my work and when I was so deeply immersed in my work someone knocked on my door.

"Come in."
"Good morning Miss Kumar. Our new CEO Mr.Malhotra wants to see you in his office right now." She informed me.
"Huh? What the hell? Why would he want to see me in his office? Oh god! Did I do something wrong. Will he fire me. Omg no his can't happen. This job is my only source of income. Ugh. I don't want to lose this job. How will I pay for all my necessities. I can't lose this job. If I am fired I have to look for new job which is going to take few days or even weeks maybe. No no that can't happen. Oh god please help me.

"Miss Kumar?" Someone was waving their hand near my face.
"Uh yeah? I am coming." I replied her nervously.
She just looked at me weirdly and left me alone with my thoughts.

I took in a Deep breath and stood up. I went inside the elevator and was standing outside the door. My heart was beating faster than usual. I was hyperventilating. Oh god! Please save me. Uff. I was sweating like a pig and so I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants and knocked the door with shivering hands.

"Come in." A deep husky familiar masculine voice answered me,

A shiver ran down my spine thinking about that incident.
No no don't think about that. It's not him. It can't be him. Omg no this can't happen ugh.

I went inside taking slow steps.
I looked up to find his back was facing me. I looked down at the floor again as if it's the most interesting thing now.

"Good morning! Sweetheart. How are you? I missed you Soo much darling. Did you miss me too?" He asked me and I froze.

No this can't be. He can't be here right now. Oh god! No no. Tears were about to fall from my eyes but I controlled myself. I am strong. I am strong. I chanted inside my head. This time I won't show him that I am weak.
I looked up to find him staring at me intensely.
I looked into those familiar sea green eyes. His eyes are so beautiful.
I was lost in those sea green pools and I was snapped out of my reverie when I realised what I was doing. No no.

"What the hell are you doing here!" I blurted before I can stop myself. Oh god, oh god.

Why God? Why me?? Ugh.

Author's note
Hey cuties! So they finally met after a long time. Soon I am going to reveal their past so keep reading.
Till then keep guessing what is gonna happen next. And please don't forget to vote and comment your views. Have a nice day and keep smiling!
Thank you 😁😀

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