2| Give Us Proof

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"Hey, guys." I called as I grabbed my lunch-tray from the cafeteria counter, walking over to my small table that Noah, Eleanor and Ashley were sitting at. I hadn't seen Ashley all day, so it was kind of a surprise she was here NOW. Ashley either came to school in the morning and stayed the day like everyone else, or she just wouldn't come to school at all because she slept in.

Ashley had dark brown hair, bright green emerald eyes watching me as I sat down. She was wearing a rainbow shirt, that looked like every colour of the rainbow was darker than it should be. On the rainbow it said something I couldn't read without being accused of staring at her breasts, Ashley would ALWAYS have to scream something like that out loud and embarrass me.

"Sup loser." Eleanor greeted, leaning back in her chair as she popped a piece of gum into her mouth as she pulled out her phone, starting to text or whatever on it. I put my tray down, turning to my friends. Noah had his headphones on, leaned back with his eyes closed as he ignored everyone. Eleanor did the same thing, ignoring Ashley and I.

"What's up, silver?" She asked, pulling out her nail polish and fixing up one of her chipping nails. Her favourite colour is pink... but with the people she hangs around... she paints them black. Her science club would kill her... I thought to myself as I pulled out my phone, growling softly under my breath as I saw another one of Tyson's-the main asshole of the school- Facebook post about me.

'Something smells in this fucking cafeteria. Oh wait! I never knew that silverfish was in here with his sardine crew!'

At that point, I thought I felt a pair of eyes on me. It started at one pair, then two, then three, then ten, then- I could've crushed my phone in my hand at the humiliation and anger that was deep in the pit inside me. "Down, boy." Noah's voice surprisingly shut me up, at least that's what I thought shut me up. No. I was growling, so I quickly slammed my mouth shut to avoid massive embarrassment.

"Did you get another tag?" Eleanor asked, taking out one of her earbuds as her dark blue orbs stared  into mine. I almost felt intimidated by her, but I wouldn't let it show. I nodded gently, right before my phone was ripped out of my hands. Eleanor sat back again in her chair, holding her phone in one hand, with my phone in the other.

"W-Wait–! Don't make a scene again!!" I whisper-shouted at her, reaching over to try and grab my phone back. She moved it out of my reach, looking over past texts and tags, she was going through everything! Just give it back to me already...! That's personal!

"Fucking hell...You should've told me if it was getting this bad!" Eleanor shouted, making heads turn towards our table and eyes stare in our direction. I felt blush burn on my cheeks as I looked down at my lap, hoping that nobody would think Eleanor is yelling at me.

"E-Eleanor I–"

"I'm trying to help you, what don't you get?!" She shouted, making me cover my ears with my hands and close my eyes tightly. Shut up, shut up, shut up! Just shut up!

"Eleanor–" Noah interrupted.

"No! Zach you–" She was cut off.

"Just leave him ALONE Eleanor–" Ashley screamed at her.

"NO!" Eleanor snapped violently, and just like that, a fistfight began, right in front of my eyes. My eyes widened as Noah and Eleanor tangled in a mess of punching and kicking each other. Why are all my friends so violent? Always having to settle something between them with a fist to he skull and a knee to the stomach... Ashley joined the fight, trying to pry them off of each other.

Noah... Eleanor... Why are you like this...? Why do you always have to fight each other...? "Zach!" I flinched when I heard Ashley call my name. I looked at her, she was definitely in-between them now, struggling to keep them apart. "Hurry the hell up, stop being a fucking crybaby and HELP. ME."

I trembled, my body not letting me move. I'm scared... "Ashley I'm-" scared... I'm sorry for being a crybaby... I'm not used to settling things without crying first... is that why fights stop? Because poor little Zachary... his friends made him cry... boo hoo...

"You're what??"

"S-Scared..." I whimpered, backing up a few feet with my hands raised, as if she were going to hit me. She growled and threw Eleanor off of her, pushing Noah to the ground right as the principal stepped through the crowd.

"ELEANOR HARRISON! NOAH MCCARTHY AND ASHLEY WATSON!" Screamed the principal, making the entire cafeteria and its crowds go silent as they stood there– staring at us... starting at me...

"MY OFFICE, NOW." And just like that, they stood up, glared, and finally left. I was standing there, shocked. Why wasn't I in trouble? Was it because I wasn't part of the actual fight? Or was it because I almost blended perfectly into the crowd that surrounded us before...

That's when all the whispers started.

"He just left his friends hanging!"

"Zach was part of that fight too!"


"What a dick..."


That's when I took off, running through the crowd and bumping into people. I'm scared, I'm scared... All looking at me, won't leave me alone...! Just leave me alone!! I bumped into Noah, who was standing outside the principal's door with his arms crossed against his chest. His eyes were cold, dark, glaring daggers into mine.

"What the fuck was THAT?! You left us and just–just STARED! What kind of coward are you?? WUSS!" I flinched at his words, frowning and looking down at my feet. I'm a coward...

"Noah I'm– Im sorry... Please forgive me I–" he interrupted me, stepping closer to me and causing me to step back a little, my eyes widening as he just kept slowly walking closer and closer to me.

"There's only ONE way you can prove you aren't a coward... listen in will ya?"

And I did.

He tossed me a small camera from his pocket, which I caught in my unsteady grip, looking up at him with nervous-looking purple eyes. Noah only smirked.

"You know your father is a monster, right?" He laughed as I shook my head quickly. He wasn't! "Yeah, he is. The only way you can prove it, is by sneaking into his lab. Take pictures of what he's been working on lately, return the camera to Eleanor by Friday." He ordered, flicking my nose.

I squeaked. "B-But–"

"You heard me. Camera isn't returned by Friday, you can say goodbye to your little friend group." He chuckled, amused by my nervous expression. "Understand me, wuss?"

I gulped, straightening. "Fine, I'll do it! He isn't a monster, he's just doing what any other scientist does. I'll prove you WRONG!"

Noah rolled his eyes as the principal's door opened and Eleanor and Ashley stepped out, the principal calling him inside next. "Have fun, then." He said as the door closed behind him. I was halfway down the hallway at that point, not wanting to look at Eleanor or Ashley. I didn't want to embarrass myself EVEN more than I already had.

This was going to be hard, father never let me inside his work before. He said it's too dangerous with the things he works on, he said he's trying to come up with a cure for cancer!

The longer I thought about it, the more I felt relieved, the more I felt... confident.

I'll prove him wrong, I'll prove them all wrong. Just wait...!

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