2: Prison

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I heard voices. But not just any voices. Heathers. I ran and ran to where I can hear her voice getting closer. I hit the highway and there she was. She was surrounded by like 7-9 biters.



I got out my knife and I marched down there angerily, but she was already bit when I stabbed the first biter in the head.



I was breathing. Very lightly though. I slowly open my eyes. I was so confused. I felt a strong pain in my shoulder. I woke up completly and my right hand was hand-cuffed to a metal pole stand. I looked to my side and I see a gun pointed at my head. I look at the man siting down by the bed.

He was old and his leg looked like it was cut off. But just to the knee bone though. I look at the man holding the gun up to my head.

He was tall and he look likes he was in his 40s and 50s. I shake my right hand cause I was trying to break them off, and I made a lot of noise. Suddenly I heard a baby cry. I stopped and kept on hearing the cries.

I started tearing because I had a baby sister. Not Heather, but her name was Diane. I wiped away the tears and I sat up in the bed.

"Where am I?"

" What's your name"

"Answer my question first" I snapped.

"You in a prison cell" the tall man said.

"My name is Kendal by the way" I said.

"Nice to meet you. I've got to ask you a few questions" he said.

"What questions?"

"Just three" he said.

I was getting kind of nervous for a sec. I look around the cell and I see a blonde hair girl. Looks like a teenager. The man with the crossbow, and a young boy wearing a sheriffs hat.

I nodded as he asked me the three questions.

"How many walkers have you killed?"

"Walkers? Don't you mean biters?"

"We call them walkers."

"Well I might of killed over fifty "walkers"I said.

"How many people have you killed"

"Only the ones who tried to kill me first"

"Why" he asked.

"Guess you don't get it, don't ya! I kill the dead, and I kill the people who try to kill me first!"

"Alright then. You will be staying in a cell with my son over there. You think you can manage that?" he said in a very rude way.

I rolled my eyes and I nodded. He un-cuffed me and I got up to go to the cell.

"Would you like the bottom it the top?" I heard a voice. It was Carl.

"Doesn't matter. I won't be staying long any way" I snapped.

"Guess you chose the bottom then" he smirked.

"What? Nevermind" I said and I put my hands on my face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, now go away"

"I can't"

"Why?" I questioned.

"Uh...I live here" he said as he chuckled just a little bit.

"Oh" I said. I looked up and Carl was giving me a grin. I smiled.

"So what was your life before all this?" he asked.

"Well, I used to live down south with my grandparents. My parents died in a airplane crash 9 years ago. So it's just always me and my sister, Heather. We would always go fishing with my Grandpa at noon to get fish for lunch. The day before all "this" happened, they were going to the grocery store and yet didn't come back. So me and my sister were at it on our own. A biter , or a "walker", got her and I don't know if she survived." I said with tears streaming down my face.

Carl rubbed his forehead and rubbed my back while I was crying.

"Thank you" I said.

"For what?" he asked in confusion.

"For listening. Nobody usually lets me get to the end." I said an I laughed a little.

"Well you welcome then. You better get some rest, gotta big day tomorrow." he said.

"Yes Sheriff!" I said as I chuckled and I went off to bed.

Finding A Way (Carl Grimes) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now