Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

     I didn't know where we arrived, but I could tell we were more inland than out. From what I could tell, the city was bustling with life, shops open on one corner and the next, seeming to stretch forward forever. People, walking everywhere, not seeming to notice how thick the waves of the crowds were. People. Watching other humans gave me comfort, knowing that at least 86% were not evil. It felt nice to be in a public area, especially not being alone.

     My stomach growled once again, as if demanding to be revolved on, as the planets revolve around the sun. I loved the fact that I can be a human least for now. Although I miss my "family", I still have Ryan and Aidan to be with me. Snapping me out of my thoughts, Aidan asked if I was hungry. I didn't have to answer, my tummy did the job for me. He laughed and suggested we go to a local diner. I followed beside him, trying to think up something vaguely interesting to talk about.

     "Thank you. Really, thank you for rescuing me and taking us to get food." I said to him, trying to sound cool, but instead sounding like a pathetic school girl who would fall at his knees for anything. Wow, really descriptive there, Jordan. He mumbled a 'you're welcome' but not sounding as enthusiastic as I seemed earlier.

      "So, everyone," Trent pitched in, trying to lighten the mood, " what's the plan after we eat?" Her voice was almost sad, id it weren't for the fact that her eyes lightened up everything. No one replied and she looked down at her worn black canvas converse. She didn't say anything after her failed attempt at trying to bring everyone else up.

     Everyone kept walking until we got to an iHop. The hostess greeted us with a giant smile, making it noticeable that she liked someone in our group. After asking us how many (which should've been obvious if she could count to five), she walked us to a booth near the corner of the room. Posters exhibited how great their food was, whereas in reality the food could be soggy and/or fake. I said nothing as we opened our laminated menus.

     Nothing looked appealing right now even though I was hungry. I decided to stick with regular pancakes and have OJ alongside. After mentally deciding what I would like to order, I watched Aidan from across the table, staring at his menu. He had those almost dark brown eyes with dark hair that you could literally feel the softness of from a mile away. Sitting next to him was Ryan, looking almost the same with his amazing smile and full lips...Jordan! Stop! He's only your friend!! For probably the quadrillionth time, my thoughts brought me back to reality with a jolt. I shivered, for there was a sudden chill in the air. Not the kind where you have goose-flesh, but the bone-deep kind, where you can feel the chilliness.

     Our waitress, who introduced herself as Rory, came to take our orders. Trent put in her order, and handed Rory her menu. We followed suit, each ordering something different from the last. Besides that deep-within-chill, you could feel the homeyness of the restaurant. The  yellow-glowing lights gave off the essence of a kitchen at night, mild chatter was heard from all directions.

     I could tell that everyone else at our table was talking, but I couldn't help not to stare at aidan's beautiful face. He wasn't sexy ( okay he was ), because that isn't the word you would use to describe him. He's amazing, and no one can compare. He's been like a brother to me, but it's easy to forget that for just a moment, and let your mind wander off to thoughts of him and I living together as a couple. I love the way he smiled, laughed, and talked. I love the way he is around people, casual and calm. He's what I love, not just his personality and looks, but him. I wish we would have more moments together, but it has only just begun. 

     About ten minutes later, our waitress came back with all of our meals. She set my warm, buttermilk pancakes in front of me, careful not to spill anything. I breathed in the aroma of the delicious pancakes. Aidan noticed and made a funny remark. "The way her nostrils flare out when she's inhaling something is so funny...and cute." That last part he mumbled. While mumbling, he looked at me straight in the eye and winked. I melted right there, not even lose to him. No way was I eating, not with him so close yet so far.


A/N: Okay this was mainly just a filler chapter since I already know where this is going to go. :D I know i didn't have much interaction between the characters, but that is because I like having her in her own world, studying and observing. Sorry that it's been a while... xD



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