No Love, No Trust

Start from the beginning

*Leah's POV*
[A/N:: we're going to start back at the point where Leah & Kiara are finished texting. Continurr]

I crawled off the bed and walked to the bathroom only to feel more stomach pains. Damn these fucking period cramps. I wanted to cry badly, but I knew it wouldn't solve anything. Prod has been very good to me... at least I think so. Like KiKi said... what if I am pregnant?! 😂 what would my mom think?? Is she ready to be a single grandma ?? I got so happy that I started dancing and smiling from ear to ear. I also didn't notice that I was gonna bump into the door.

Leah: ow?!?!

I did my hygiene routine and put on my white tank with a maroon Jordan sweatshirt with the white Jordan logo. I put on some socks and my maroon 11's. I brushed my hair back into a messy bun and slid a white head band on my head. I grabbed my house keys, my iPhone, and my purse and stood outside until KiKi came .

*Kiara's POV*

I pulled up to Leah's house and I banged on the door like I was the police.

Leah: *yanking door open holding her * wtf is wrong with you??

Kiara: hey girl I'm sorry I scared you. You ready to go?

Leah: come on

-30 minutes later-

We are waiting anxiously to meet Dr. Martin. I looked down at a little boy (about Nick's age) staring at me. For some odd reason, he was sitting by himself.

Kiara: hey cutie 👋

Little Boy: hi ☺️

Kiara: what's your name?

While I waited for Leah to get checked in, I sat beside him staring at his pretty, curly hair.  He had brownish hazel colored eyes and a nice caramel-colored tint to his skin.

Little Boy: J.J. What's your nwame?

Kiara: Kiara... or KiKi for short. So J.J. huh?

J.J.: yweah... it stands for Jacob Jr.

Kiara: ohhhhh... J.J. do you mind telling me your last name sweetheart?? Just so I can remember you next time I see you?

J.J.: Per- uh oh...

All of a sudden, a woman holding another baby came marching over to me and J.J. with Leah in tow.

Woman: J.J.? Didn't I tell you not to talk to strangers ?! Huh?!

Kiara: I'm sorry but could you ease up? I was just making sure that he wasn't by himself. I'm a babysitter too. Can I please get your name?

Woman: it... it's Shanice.

Shanice looked like Tasha from "Everybody Hates Chris". Her adorable baby boy that she was holding looked like he was a 9-month-old and he had curly hair too.

Leah: I'm Leah and this is Kiara.

J.J.: or KiKi for shwort mwommy.

Shanice: yes J.J. That's nice baby.

Kiara: I'm sorry to startle you, but who might this little cutie be? *touching little baby's hand*

J.J.: hweyyy I thought I was the cwutie??

Leah: you still are 😊

Shanice: that's right baby and this is little Joshua. I've been trying to get in touch with their father for 4 days now.

Kiara: what's their father's name?

Me and Leah scooted in closer to her.

Shanice: Jacob. Jacob Perez.

Kiara: well whoever that is, I know he's very lucky.

Shanice: yes he is, I just wish his ass would come home too.

Kiara: mine too. Well have a great day Shanice.

Shanice: you too.

We sat down and waited for Dr. Martin. 5 minutes later...

Dr. Martin: Leah Williams??

Leah: that's me ! Kiara come on girl.

As we went into the doctor's office, Dr. Martin took samples of eggs, x-rays of her ovaries, and did other exams that us women go through 👀👀. Dr. Martin walked out while Leah got dressed.

Kiara: I hope it's not anything bad

Leah:.... 😔😔

35 minutes later.................

Dr. Martin: okay so I have your results and congratulations!!

Leah: congrats what??


Leah: *gasps* 😲 how far along am I ??

Dr. Martin: 2 months. Now that we know that you're pregnant, I'm going to give you prenatal vitamins that are essential for developing your baby.

As he gave the list, I still pondered on the J.J., Joshua, and Shanice. Could Jacob be cheating on me?? For years?? And me not knowing?? 😔😔


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