Chapter 2- A Closer Bond

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                         Toris POV
We both walk to math class since we're in the same class. Probably the same schedule too. We went into the room. I sat down on my seat. He sat beside me and Elizabeta. I think they know eachother since they've been talking through the whole lesson. Atleast Feliks learned a thing or two.

                  √•Time Skip•√•

When a couple of classes were done. It was almost lunch, the bell rang and everyone got ready to eat. "Hey uh, can I sit with you at lunch? Elizabeta is sitting with someone else and their table is full".

"Oh sure! Though I have some friends with me." I replied. He nodded in response​.
We both sat down at the lunch table. Natalia,Ivan,Matthew and Eduard were sitting altogether at our table. They all introduced themselves to Feliks which was nice because I had to do barley anything.

I've had the longest crush on Natalia, she's just so cute and I think she noticed that. Though I dont really care.
"S-so F-feliks wanna hang out with us afterschool?" Matthew asked him.

"Oh like totally!" The shorter boy responded. I was planning on going on a date with Natalia sometime.
I still like her even though she's obsessed with her brother, she's still nice.....I think.

                    Feliks POV
This Natalia girl is kinda like, getting on my nerves. I caught her staring at me sometimes. But I'm fond of the others though, they seem nice and all. But I'm not planning on getting closer...I may be more distant. I don't want to be hurt... again.

                 •√•Time Skippo•√•

The first day of school was finally over. It was good, it could've been worse, so I'm not complaining. Matthew said we would all meet up at this café not too far from my house. Toris and I decided to walk together, since Elizabeta was busy.... again. I wonder who's she hanging out with.
After we get near my house we went out separate ways. "See you later!" I said as I waved.

He waved back. I texted my parents on how I'm going with the others to the café. I was thinking on what to wear, I loved crossdressing, I think it's cute. But I decided not to since I want to be a good first impression.

I put on a casual t-shirt with a thin sweater. I also wear the same pants that I always wear for these occasions. And finally put a small ribbon on my hair. After a few minutes I go to the café that they were talking about.

I see that Ivan guy sitting down at a table with his sister Natalia. Natalia really gets on my nerves alot. I sit together with them for like 3 minutes. Until Matthew and Toris came. "Eduard is too busy at the moment" Toris informed. We all talked for awhile until our orders were all done.

I ordered tea with a cutely decorated cookie that said "Closer Bonds Bring Happiness and Sadness". Which I can relate to greatly. Toris looked at the cookie like he wanted it, I quickly noticed that. "So uh, do you want some?" I offered.

"O-oh yes! Very much! Thank you" He replied. I smiled and tried my best to break the cookie in half. I gave him a half and I kept the other. The rest talked to each other happily.
It was a very enjoyable experience with these people. I can't wait to meet more. We all finished and we went our separate ways. What a great day...

A/N [omfg 609 words. Anyways hope you like this chap! Toodles~]

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