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"Lou he totally saw you. The main singer defiantly saw you". Danielle said as we walked back with all our bags to the car to go home.

We were leaving at a pretty stupid time as this is when everyone was leaving.

We all clambered into Liam's car and tried to get out as soon as possible. Just like the whole place was trying to do. Before we knew it we were at a stand still.


Two hours had passed and with all the alcohol id consumed I really needed a wee. I was absolutely desperate.

"Liam, you know you love me". Liam looked up from the road, I don't know why he did. We were still in the same field we were two hours ago.
"What do you want Tommo?". I leant into him and stuck my bottom lip out. "Can I have your bottle?". He looked back at the road. "Why?". I lifted my head up off his chest. "Because Liam if I don't go to the toilet soon my bladder will burst and you'll all have to see my willy cry which won't be nice for any of you". Liam burst out laughing then turned to look at me. "No. You can get out and go".

I groaned and got out the car slamming the door. We hadn't moved anywhere in two hours so I knew where the car would be. I wandered over to where the toilets were. And there was another fucking queue. I mentally groaned and joined it.

I was standing in the queue. Texting Liam from it, telling him that I hated him. When someone bumped into me almost causing me to drop my phone.

"M'sorry". I heard a deep voice say. I looked up to see a pair of bright green eyes. It was the lead singer of that band. I was never one to freak out around celebrities but this guy was something else.

"Oh my god it's you". I didn't mean to say. Luckily he laughed at what is just said. "By that if you mean that guy from that band then yes oh my god it's me". He said with a smile. I smiled back at him.

I was trying to act cool but this guy was beautiful. Like majorly. I'd never looked at a guy like this before. Ever.
"You're really talented by the way". I replied. Mentally slapping myself when I could have said something a lot more cool than what I just did.

"Thanks mate. Means a lot that someone of a similar age has respect for what we do". He replied smiling. When he smiled you could see one dimple on his left cheek. His lopsided grin made him look even more adorable. Wait. Why was I even thinking this.

"Anytime..". I looked down. "You don't suppose I could have a picture do you?". He smiled at me. "Course you can"

I stood on his left side and he leaned in to me. We got some random passerby to take the first one. Then I took a selfie with him. We actually took two. The second one we made stupid faces. "Can I get one on my phone?". He said looking at me. I stuttered. A member of like the worlds most famous band asked me for a picture. I was stunned. "S-sure". We did the same for his one. A normal selfie then a funny one.

"It was really nice to meet you". I said smiling at him. I didn't even know his name but yet I thought he was the most beautiful creature the world has ever seen. I mentally slapped myself. Why was I even thinking that.

"Same to you". He replied pulling me into a bro hug. "Ill see you around?". He looked my dead in the eye. I felt my knees go funny. "Yeah, yeah I'll see you around. Sure that's cool". He smirked at me. "See you later". Winked and walked off.

I was left standing there staring at his back as he walked off. I didn't even know the guys name. I just knew he was in an absolutely amazing band and I thought he was beautiful. I was in a daze until some guy nudged me. "Are you gonna use that?". He pointed towards the urinal. I nodded.

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