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I was standing awkwardly at the bar in the club. I'd lost everyone a long time ago. I had seen Eleanor about five minutes ago but I ran away because I couldn't deal with her looking at me.

I'd drunk too much. I got in a drinking competition with Niall, that's how i lost everyone. So I was now kind of clinging to the bar to try and keep me upright.

A girl was looking at me from the other side of the bar. She was giving me that universal look of 'you've pulled'. I turned around to look behind me then pointed to my chest and mouthed me. She nodded. "Shit" I muttered under my breath as she got up to walk over to me.

"Hi sexy ass". She sat down on the stall next to me and got a bit too close for my liking. I lifted my bottle to my lips and saluted her.
"You want to dance with me?" she winked. "I... uh". I felt a grip on my arm. I looked up to see Harry glaring at the girl.

"Yeah I'd walk away if I were you". She glared at him and stormed off. "Hally" I slurred getting his name wrong.

"Someone's had a bit too much to drink". He put his head under my arm, making me stretch a bit because he was that bit taller than me. "Harry... you look really pretty tonight". I realised what I had said after I said it. He grinned at me. "Fuck Lou can you not walk?". I took this opportunity. "Nah". He shot me a glance, I think he knew what I was doing. He still swooped me up by my legs and carried me bridal style over to the booth where everyone was sitting.

"The explorer has made a return". Niall slurred slapping my shin. Harry abruptly put me down causing me to lose my balance. I fell back into him, I didn't mind. And I'm pretty sure he didn't. "Niall, can we go and look for pots of gold together". I laughed at my comment, so did he. We laughed at it for about two minutes straight causing the whole group to glare at us. "Sure Louis, louis, lou, you're my new best friend". I gently slapped his cheek whilst he sung the national anthem.

"I'm getting Lou out of here". I heard a deep voice say behind me causing the whole group to clap. "No.. no not in that way. Look at him. He's hammered". I felt a grip on my waist and I was being pulled out of the club.

The cold air hit my face and I started to shiver. Harry tightened his grip round my waist. I saw loads of flashing lights in front of me. "Put your head down Lou" I giggled at his answer. Giggled. Since when did I ever giggle. "I would but were in public". This caused Harry to laugh hardly. He put his hand in front of my face and pushed his way through the paparazzi.

"Harry... Harry is this your boyfriend". I heard one shout. I looked up at Harry who just told me to ignore it. But to be honest, I didn't really want to ignore it.

After we'd moved out of the way of the paps. I decided to talk to him. "You know what that pap said" I slurred at him. Stumbling over my feet so he tightened his grip again. Probably causing a bruise just above my hip.

"Yeah I heard Lou". I smiled down at my shoe lace. It looked really funny. How drunk am I? "Well I want that to happen". Harry smiled at me, but then his face moved into a frown. "You're drunk Lou, you don't know what you're saying". His eyebrows were knotted together as he walked along.

I stopped walking and he did a few steps ahead of me. Turning round to look. "Drunk actions. Sober mind". He held out his hand for me to hold. It felt nice holding his hand. It's weird to think that in three days I was feeling all these crazy emotions for a guy I barely even knew. "In the morning Lou. We'll talk about it then" he gave my hand a squeeze then dragged me off into his tour bus.

"Get in" he said pointing to a bunk bed. "Who's bunk is this?".
"Mine. Don't worry ill go on the seats at the back. It's fine Lou". He flashed me a smile. And walked off to the back of the bus.
"You don't have to go Harry". He stopped walking off with his blanket. He looked like a big toddler, he looked adorable.
"And it is your bunk" I reminded him. He made a slight nod and smiled. "Are you sure Lou?". I nodded and he climbed into the bunk and we both fell asleep.

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