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I woke up with the biggest hang over I think I've ever had. Me and Liam lived together and I guess neither of us went to our rooms because I woke up with a dead leg as he laid on it. I shook him off and held my head. It was throbbing.

I got out my phone to reply to any messages. I had a few. I never really get texts and I suddenly had loads. I had seven from Danielle telling me to "get my un-naturally toned arse onto twitter right now". I did as I was told and opened up the app.

Over night id gained 100k followers and my mentions were going crazy. I didn't know what was happening.

I looked through my mentions to see a tweet that someone had quoted

'If anyone knows this lad, or knows how I can contact him can ya let me know please :)' LOU THATS YOU

It read. There were hundreds more tweets like that. The tweet was from Harry Styles. Who the fuck was Harry Styles I thought. I rubbed my forehead as his profile loaded.

"Holy shit". I whispered to myself as the profile was on my screen. 19 million followers. 19 million. This lad had a lot of followers.

I couldn't tell who he was from his icon as it was a picture of a band bowing. looking out onto a crowd.

The bio read "sometimes I go wandering". I recognised the name. Why did I recognise wandering.

I opened up his most recent picture and practically shit myself. It was of me and him. So it was Harry I had met yesterday. My heart was beating so fast. It felt like it was about to drop out of my chest.

I decided to send him a tweet. I knew he wouldn't see it. He had 19million followers for fuck sake. It was the least I could do. I spent ages about thinking what to write. Eventually I decided to send.

'@harry_styles I think you'll find that is me ;)'

Could have come across a bit pervy but I didn't care. He remembered me. That was all that mattered.

Coincidences | larry auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें