17. Code What?!?!?

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Justin's POV:

I had never felt so terrified in my life. I have fought off rogues, we fought off a witch, I am the freaking Alpha!! But never have I ever felt so much terror running through my veins. This time I may not make it out alive.


"Demon be gone!" I screamed back. (Lmao I yell this to my family when they wake me up in the morning hahaha! Ayyyye! Anyways, back to the story!)

"Justin," she hissed through clenched teeth. She had me cornered. "Is this really how short you wanted to live your life? Did you even think, even for a minute, I would kill you?"

To be honest, I didn't think it through. I just did it because I thought I could get away with it. I never thought this was how my life would end. I guess she could sense my fear because she laughed.

"You know," she sighed walking towards me. "I never wanted to hurt you Justin."

Her small hand had grasped my hair and made me have eye contact with her. Those eyes had such a wicked glint to them that it terrified me. If I were in wolf form, I would have my tail between my shaking lags.

"One day Justin," she sighed laughing and pulling at my hair. "I will get you back for eating my ice cream."

Who knew my pregnant little sister would be so terrifying?

"Tristan come and get your mate before she hurts me!" I yelled laughing.

"Nah man you're on your own," he laughed walking in with more tubs of ice cream. "I don't know if you noticed, but your sister is terrifying."

"I am not," she smiled eating a tub of ice cream. "Just don't mess with my cravings and no one will get hurt."

"But I want some," I whined reaching for some ice cream.

"If you don't want to lose that hand," she glared baring her teeth. "I would pull that hand away."

Tristan just laughed, embracing my sister and kissing her ear. I rolled my eyes at them, crossing my arms. Why can't they do this at their house?

"Justin," she smiled hitting Tristan away. Yuck. "You ready for the appointment?"

"Yup," I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you dare roll those eyes at me," she growled. "You roll em, you lose em."

"Goddess please help that child through life," I pretended to pray. I earned a pretty hard smack to my shoulder. "Ow! I didn't know women get stronger with pregnancy!"

"I am from the line of the Moon Goddess herself," she laughed. "Fear me!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," I chuckled as I out my coat on.

"I am not that scary," she scoffed as Tristan looked the other way as he laughed.

"Anyways we ready to go?" I asked grabbing my keys.

"Yup," she smiled as Tristan helped her up. Don't tell her I said this, but boy is she big! I mean, I understand our women go through pregnancies faster but she really is big!

"Let's go find out what gender our child is," Alaska smiled as she pet Tristan's face.


Just yuck.


Alaska's POV:

I love making my brother squirm. He deserves it all since he ate my ice cream. The son of a motherless goat...

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