9.You're All I Need

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Alaska's POV:

I feel loved. I feel as though Tristan and I have become closer than we could ever have imagined. Even when we were making love he never hurt me, always gentle, he always kissed and whispered he loved me.

The way his breath tickled my skin and how his strong hands held on tight to my body made me realize how much of a man Tristan had become. This man I was in love with as a child. This man I am still in love with.

And I will do anything to get him back.

Afterward, we laid down, catching our breath, and holding each other because we knew we had to go separate ways. Him to her, me to wherever. Yet we knew that we were meant for each other. Nobody else believed us.

"Tristan?" I asked sleepily.

"Yes," he smiled, kissing at my neck.

"Claim me," I said holding him tightly. "Mark me. Show everyone I am yours."

"I would love to," he said, bringing himself closer. Then he paused. "Alaska, I just want to warn you. I know that we love each other, but if it begins to burn, its because you aren't my mate."

"It won't burn." I sighed as I guided him closer to me. "I know I am your mate."

Then his teeth broke through my skin.


Tristan's POV:

After last night with Alaska I have been dying trying to find time to find her. I didn't know that claiming and marking my mate would leave me with such need. When we had left that room, I knew everyone could smell her scent on me which I proudly wore.

"Tristan?" Liz's voice came from the kitchen. "Tristan can you come here?"

"Ok," I had said cautiously. If she knew I had slept with Alaska, a room full of knives would be the last place I would ever want to talk in. "What's up?"

"I know what you guys did," she said facing the sink. "Why?"

"Because I know she's my mate," I said, and her lack of reaction showed me she knew.

"But now my mate will die," she said before breaking down in tears.

I stood back, surprised at what she just told me. "What? Your mate?"

"A humble and lowly omega," she sighed dreamily. "I love him and he's my mate."

"Then why did-" then I noticed something. Her scent. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Please listen to what I have to say first," she cried as she threw her hands on her head. "Don't kill me."

"We're going to walk over to the Alpha's house right now to figure this mess out."

As I pulled her along her whimpers disappeared before leaving the door and she stopped. "We are being watched. Make it look like were in love or we'll all end up dead."

So I held her close, kissed her forehead, and held her hand as we walked along. Her sweet yet sickening vanilla bean scent had long disappeared leaving me in a giant state of paranoia.

What the hell is going on here?


Alpha Malcolm's POV:

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