Chapter 5 - Love blossoms slowly

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I reached across for my drink wincing in pain. I looked at Luke sleeping peacefully on the wooden chair beside my hospital bed. He stirred occasionally, curling into a ball to keep warm, I looked at my arm which was connected to what seemed to be a fluid bag containing blood. Of course. I had needed a blood transfusion. I shook my head and pulled it out my arm, I needed the toilet. I covered Luke in the blanket and planted a kiss on his forehead. 

I hurried down the cold and never ending corridors to the female toilets. There was a girl crying on the floor, "Hey, don't cry," I hugged her. She looked up at me fearfully. "Please just leave me," she sobbed. I scuttled past her and went to the toilet. I was on my way back to my room when I seen a familiar figure loitering in the reception, "I'm here to see Isabella! Let me see her!" He boomed at the receptionist. A smirk appeared on her face, "As if we would let you see her, and besides it's one person per patient," she lied. I ran past them my bare feet slamming against the freezing concrete floor.

"Bella?!" He shouted. I looked back at him in disgust as I reached my room and shouted, "Fuck off!" as I closed the door. "What was that?" Luke jerked forward, "Why aren't you in bed?" He bombarded me with questions. I smiled, "I'm fine, go home and get yourself home." He looked at me sincerely and nodded, "Let me know if you need anything," He said as he wiped his eyes and left the room.

I climbed back onto the hard, uncomfortable hospital bed and pulled the thin sheet over myself trying to make myself comfortable. I was scared in case anything happened to Luke, especially since Jason was hanging around. 

I think I love Luke...

I rang my mum and told her what had happened, "I'm coming down!" She shouted down the phone, panic evident in her voice. It felt like ages before there was a knock at the door. It was mum. She embraced me in a hug careful not to hurt me, I took in the smell of her overpowering STAR perfume, it comforted me, it smelt like lavender and roses. I cried, "I'm so sorry mum, I just felt the urge to protect him." She shook her head and wiped my eyes, "Your my baby and I'm just glad your okay."

I smiled and hugged into her once again. "Here I have something for you," She smiled placing a cigarette box and money into my hand, "I know your getting kept in for another day or two and I thought you could use them," I looked at her gratefully, "Thank you mum. She pushed the hair from my face, "Just don't tell your dad about the cigarettes," she giggled.

I waited for her to leave and then I called my friends to tell them everything. In a matter of minutes my friends came hurrying up the tiled hallway, I could tell it was them because I could hear the clicking of Amber's Ted Baker heels come tottering towards me.

"Hey," They smiled gently hugging me. I frowned looking at the floor. "Guy's I think I'm falling in love with Luke," I sighed. They gasped in disbelief. "After what he did to you!" Emily screeched, "He's the reason your in here!" Amber shot her a glare and put her hand on my knee, "Are you being serious?" I looked away from her and nodded subtly, "Yes." 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     TWO MONTHS LATER    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had returned home and had to dress my wound every morning. It stung like a bitch. Jason had repeatedly kept calling and coming to my house so I eventually blocked his number. Dad helped keep him away from the house. "Hey, honey," My parents chorused when I walked into the kitchen. "Hey," I replied grabbing my breakfast. "Today's Josh's funeral," My mum muttered to my dad. "I'm not going..." I stuttered. They both looked at me horrified. "Come on honey, he was your friend.... I will come with you, if you want?" My mum urged me. 

I nodded agitated. I missed Josh so much, I wasn't ready to properly let go... I trudged up the stairs and changed into my best black dress. I knew Josh liked it, he said it complimented my figure... I put my black pointed heels on and was greeted by my mum at the bottom of the stairs, "He'd be proud of you, you've become a wonderful young lady," She smiled wiping her tears. I looked at her, my heart hurting, "I miss him so much, I never told him how much he meant to me," I broke down. She just hugged me and we walked silently to the car.

We arrived at the church and were greeted by Josh's parents, "Oh Bella, I'm so glad you decided to come," His mam hugged me. His dad gave me a nod in approval, afraid that if he spoke he would break down, the tears were building up in their eyes, "I loved him," I said, "He was a wonderful young man and I wish I had of let him known how important he was, I failed him," I cried as tears poured down my face. "Shut up!" His mother yelled, "Your the reason he was alive as long as he was, you were his only reason for living, he ended his life because he felt it was his time to go, so don't you dare say it's your fault!" She cried hysterically.

I hugged into her not wanting to let go. She had the same scent as Josh did. I followed his parents into the church, that's when I seen the open coffin. "My baby," She sobbed. I held her hand in reassurance. The ceremony was beautiful. I walked up to the coffin to say my last words, "Josh, I miss you so much, I love you, you were my best friend and you were taken too soon, promise me you'll look over me, it's what your best at... You've gained your wings and I hope we meet again one day," I sobbed heavily holding onto his cold... dead.... hand. 

Me and mum headed back to the house where Luke was waiting. "Hey babe," He kissed me. "Hi," I smiled weakly. Yes we were together. He was amazing, we still had problems with Jason but nothing we couldn't handle.

"Let's go to mine," He smiled as he ushered me to his car. "Okay," I replied climbing into the passenger seat. We sat in silence in the car until we reached his. There was a weird feeling, like a negative energy surrounding the house, "Something feels wrong," I whispered to Luke. He shook his head and dismissed the idea. If only he had of listened. We went into the kitchen and Luke handed me a bottle of my favorite wine as we sat down.

"You okay?" He asked concerned. I nodded, "Yeah babe I will be fine, today has just been draining." Luke heard a crash from upstairs, "What was that?" He asked scared. I looked at him eyes wide open, "It was probably just the wind," I hopefully said to him. I heard a number of footsteps creeping around upstairs, "We need to get out!" I whispered. I went to grab Luke's hand to creep out the back window, the door would have been too loud.

That's when I seen him. Jason. He was with lot's of other people. They had weapons. I was so scared. "Come on!" I yelled trying to push Luke out of the small white framed window. "But what about you?!" He yelled his voice full of dread. "Get help!" I screamed. He jumped from the ledge and turned to pull me from the ledge. It was too late. I felt a sharp stinging in the back of my neck. Was he serious right now? Had Jason just fucking sedated me?!

I fell to the floor. I could see and hear everything. I began to sob as they locked the window where a crying Luke was smashing on. I lay there begging them to leave me alone. There was nothing I could do surely I was destined to die at the hands of Jason, the first time I must have been lucky and escaped death's grasp. But this must be my time....I'm certain of it.....

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