Chapter 4 - Raise a glass

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A/N: Hi guy's I hope you are enjoying this so far, so yeah I'm finding it hard to write this genre so I hope it isn't terrible to read XD please comment or vote and stay awesome! 

I got on the bus where I was greeted by Josh. We stayed silent the whole way until we got to our stop. "What's up?" I asked him. He just shrugged, "Nothing it doesn't matter, I'll see you later," he sighed as he waved goodbye. What's his problem? I hoisted my bag up onto my shoulder. I seen Jason and Tara walking towards me. Fuck. 

"Hi," Tara smiled, "I hope your wrist is ok." Why was she being nice to me? She hated me in college. "Hey, it's much better thanks," I falsely smiled at her, jealous she was with Jason. "Hey sup?" Jason asked. I just replied bluntly, "Nothing much I will see you's later." They strutted past me.

I felt like crying. I think I actually liked him. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket:

Jason: Hey let's meet up later? We need to talk...

Me: About what??

Jason: Just meet  me Okay...

Me: Fine pizza place 6 pm!

I felt butterflies fly around in my stomach. Why did he want to meet me? I opened the heavy front door to my house and ran into my bedroom. I had to change my clothes I looked awful. After I was satisfied with my look I grabbed my phone and raced downstairs. There was a knock at the front door. It was Luke.

I felt sick. "What do you want asshole!" I shouted. He took a step back from the door and pulled some flowers from behind his back, "These are for you, I acted like a dick, I'm so sorry Bella," he began to cry. 

I took the flowers from him, they were beautiful, my favorite roses. "Thank you," I smiled. "Hey listen I got to go but I am sorry," He said sincerely. Maybe I got him all wrong. Maybe he really is a nice guy.

I hurried to the pizza joint down the road. "You're late!" Jason exclaimed, "Look, I like you but I have Tara..." I flinched, "You wanted to tell me that!" I screeched. I was about to leave when he turned me to face him, "I want you more than anything," he whispered as he leaned in and kissed me. 

"What the fuck Jason?!" I shouted.  An expression of confusion and hurt spread across his face, "I thought you liked me?" I looked at him in disgust, "What about Tara!" His face changed and he grumbled, "She won't find out." I shook my head in disbelief and ran out of the door. No. Not happening.

I couldn't be a bit on the side. I couldn't be a home wrecker. Maybe I got this all wrong. I grabbed a coffee from Starbucks on the way home. I thought I wanted this but I don't. 

I went to Amber's house and told her what had happened. "That's fucked up!" She said panicking, "What happens if Tara finds out?" I covered my face and began to sob, "I don't know."

She disappeared for a matter of seconds and returned with a bottle of my favorite wine, Echo Falls. "Have a glass," she smiled as she handed me a glass. "Cheers," I said as I clinked the glasses.

After a few glasses I wandered home and climbed into bed. I couldn't believe what had happened. I cuddled into my fluffy water bottle, the only thing I needed right now. I kept thinking about Luke and Jason. What is going on? I swiftly fell asleep deep in my own thoughts trying to figure out things.

My sleep was rudely interrupted by my phone. There was a text. It was from Jason:

Jason: Hey, I can't stop thinking about you...

Me: Stop! Stop messing with me!

Jason: I'm not. I think I have feelings for you...

Me: I do too but Tara?

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