In the real world you don't respawn (Vanoss x Delirious)

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(Sad Story) Nobody's Pov 3rd person (there playing in the living Room) (and its night time)
Delirious was playing gmod with his boyfriend Vanoss."Hey Ev I'm going to get doritos kay?" Delirious said.
"Yeah okay" Vanoss said.

Delirious got up from the sofa and went to his kitchen.He looked through his kitchen cabinets.He brighten up when he saw the doritos .

Delirious went back to the living room and he saw Evan talking on the phone.Delirious hid and listened to the conversation Vanoss and somebody on the phone Vanoss was talking to.

"Baby I will always love you" Vanoss said to somebody on the phone.Delirious's heart dropped to the floor.
He felt dumb why didn't he notice before."Yeah I never even loved Delirious anyways" Vanoss said.

"I HATE YOU VANOSS !!!" Delirious shouted.Delirious then dropped the doritos on the floor and ran outside.

Vanoss chased after him.Delirious then saw two white lights.Then crash a car hit him.Vanoss dropped to his knees and felt the whole world around him stop.

Delirious feel to the ground with a hard thud. Vanoss ran to Delirious and picked him up.Tears started to run down Vanoss's cheeks.

Vanoss felt so stupid cheating on Delirious.If it wasn't for his stupid actions nothing of this would've happened to Delirious.Vanoss cried until someone called the police and everything.



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