Chapter 40: A Battle Of Superiority (M)

Start from the beginning

As Jay stopped rolling he looked up at Saku "what...what did you do!?" Jay shakily got to his feet "I didn't even see you move"

"To launch myself down, I fired a beam upwards into the air" said Saku pointing up "and that same beam...came down on you" he finished pointing at Jay "in this state, my aura-energy is at its full potential"

"'re point is!" Jay seemed quite irritated, but not from Saku's attack, "now let's fight"  Saku nodded, and with a foot jumped towards Jay.

Saku thrust a punch forward, which Jay blocked with his bent arm. Jay looked confident but saw Saku slowly push him back. Out of frustration he deflected Saku's punch away and struck a knee at Saku's gut. Jay scoffed "I told're weak" Jay however felt his knee being pushed back "what!?" Jay saw Saku had caught his knee, with his hand

"Jay...for once in your life" said Saku deflecting his knee away "Take this fight" Saku clenched his aura-coated fist " seriously!" then with a strong punch, he struck Jay in his stomach.

Jay felt only intense pain, flood throughout his body. Until, on convulsion, he coughed up a good volume of blood from the punch. Jay then staggered backwards, clutching his stomach "Jay...I think it's about time you stopped holding back. Or is this the best you can really do?" Jay looked up at Saku with glaring eyes

"you...dare question my ability!?" Jay stood up straight "I'll show you...just how much better I am than you" Saku then readied himself

"then come at me Jay. And prove how good you are"

Jay quickly rushed up, and began striking out rapid punches and kicks. Saku parried and blocked his attacks, before striking back at Jay's chest. Jay shook it off, and began pelting Saku with several punches and kicks each one finding their mark. Jay was about to shoot Saku with a close range stream of  lightning but Saku swayed out of the way and delivered a left hook to Jay's face.

Saku was now delivering a series of  punches and kicks himself to Jay's person. Then with a jump, and a round-house kick sent Jay backwards, skidding by his feet. Saku jumped forward, readying his attack however Jay recovered and struck back at Saku. Saku recovered from his strike and hit back at Jay. Who in vice versa did the same. The fight began a sort of tennis match, each fighter sending and receiving blows after the other.

As the blows continued being traded, it was until Saku recovered quicker than normal and struck directly at Jay's fist, blocking it. Jay struggled to try and push back, but Saku managed to hold him off. Jay began calling out, his aura intensifying around his body, and Saku the same. Suddenly the frantically began to hit each other's fists, and kicks each blow echoing around the room.

The powers seemed to be affecting the whole room. Small cracks would appear, timed with every collusion. The area under their feet began to wear away, both of them digging a crater for themselves that steadily grew deeper. Xene, for some reason, was sweating " can this be? Saku's power...surpasses the one, who has been the bane of my existence. But how can this be?" Xene turned to his friends "Dam those children, they must've given him a power I wasn't aware of. Dam it!"

Saku's friends were enjoying the fight "look at Saku go" said Mochi "he's matching Jay for every blow he makes"

"Saku must be channelling his aura to empower his body" said Anaeus "he's reminding me of Lexi when she fought against him"

"I was thinking the same thing" said Anastasia "no wonder Saku is so much stronger and faster"

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