It didn't mean a thing

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I was walking trough the jungle, slowly. The Sun was slowly coming up and it wasn't so cold anymore. I was still tired and confused about everything that happened. Don't get me wrong it was amazing, and I want to do it again, but that's just not right. I don't love him, and he doesn't love me. We had sex, and It was not supposed to happen, but now I can use it to my advantage. I came to the camp. No one was awake. Like always I was first one up. I sat under a tree closing my eyes. I didn't know what to do, or what should I do. I wanted to sleep, but couldn't. Listening to the wind in the trees didn't make me relax, I was feeling weird. But then flashbacks came back.

Upon his arrival, I felt my heart begin to race. My eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his messy brown hair down to his worn out boots. The closer he came, the better I could view him. Sleeves of his green thick shirt went to his elbows, leather cuffs on his both wrists and a thick belt on his waist. And then his eyes. Those dark green galaxy eyes took my breath away.

"I'm Peter, Peter Pan." 

First time I saw him.

  " Neverland?" Peter asked me his voice soft.

"Yeah." I said and looked at him. He looked at me too. We were looking at each other's eyes deeply. In his green galaxy eyes were some mix of emotions. Happiness and confusion. I got lost in them. They are so mysterious and hypnotizing. I never saw eyes like his. They make me feel alive, and they can see through me, they make my head spin. His eyes take always my breath away. But I like it. He has that affect on me. His look can say a thousand things, and they are always so.. Yung. His voice, his British accent is so strong and powerful. His smirk and smile, God, that smile is the death of me. I don't even now him so long and he has that weird effect on me. And I like it. I can watch his eyes for days and I will never get bored of them. Then he broke the eye contact and the whole magic was gone. I licked my lips and let a breath out that I didn't know I was holding. Pan was watching the stars again, but I was just looking at his face, his hair, his jaw line. Then my eyes closed and the sleep overtook me.  

Our Cliff.

"The lighting and the wind, isn't it?" He said getting up and helping me up.

"Yeah." I said biting my lip. And then one more loud lightning and I jumped so high that I jumped on Peter and we were lying on his bed. I swallowed and looked at him. He was smirking smugly. I rolled my eyes and wanted to get up but I was feeling safe beside Pan. So I didn't get up, I just cuddled more into his warm chest. He was surprised I could tell that because he tensed up. But then he relaxed and he put his hands around my waist. I looked to his face to meet his wonderful green eyes. They weren't so dark, and cold.They were warm. I smiled and he smiled warmly at me too. Yep, he is the death of me. I lied my head on his chest. My head was by his heart, and I could clearly hear his heartbeat. He has a heart, but he has a dark soul. Or maybe, he only has some walls around him. But why is he letting me in? I mean, he told me some part of his past, not a big one, but an important one. 

"Sleep, Clary." He said and I giggled at his command.

"Yes, Peter." I said.

"Goodnight love," He said and I smiled wide.

"Night" I said and cuddled more into him. He started to rub my back and I liked it.

His heartbeat was helping me to fall asleep. I wish that I can be in his arms like this every day. He was making me feel safe. But he is making me suffer too. But in some way, I don't mind it. I didn't hear the rain and the wind anymore, I could only hear a heartbeat. Peter's heartbeat.

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